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Techno and the rest walked to Niki's bakery. "Techn-" Tommy tried to explain until Techno cut him off, "Not another word Tommyinnit" he glared. After a few minuets of the awkward tension, they arrived at the bakery. They all walked in. "OK what the happened between all of you guys and Dream?" Techno asked. "Well we all wanted Dream to go to prison because of the things he-" Quakity started. Techno laughed," Are you guys stupid, did you guys not listen it was the dreamons or whatever you call them" he yelled. "Why did you have to threaten him with Niki" he asked, "Ok no, George and Sapnap, why aren't you guys on his side". George and Sapnap looked at him. "Well he took the crown away from George and said he didn't care about us" Sapnap said. Ghostbur sighed, "weren't you guys listening? It was the dreamons" he said. "Well if it was, why didn't he ask for help?" George asked. "You guys would never believe him, I don't blame him you guys are dicks" Phil said. That, oh that silenced everybody. "C'mon Phil. Not all of them were that" Ghostbur said. Niki got out of her chair, "I don't even know why some of you guys are sad, you guys wanted him dead" she yelled. "So did you" Quakity yelled back. "Just shut the fuck up, me, Niki, Sam, Ponk, and Punz didn't want this" Eret yelled, with tears in his eyes. Puffy gasped, "Puffy you were also in on it, why?" Punz yelled, tears streaming down his face. Puffy was silenced after that comment. Punz laughed, "I-..... I SHOULD HAVE HELPED HIM OR AT LEAST STOP YOU GUYS" he yelled. Niki hugged him while everybody was TO BUSY feeling guilty.

"C'mon Dreamy, lets go finish the job" Nightmare whined. "No, we just fucking left Night" Lucid replied. They Dreamons all had their masks off, well except Good and Zero since they don't have any. "Dream, why don't you wanna kill them" Zero asked taking a sip of water. Good slammed the counter, "It doesn't matter! Whatever reason he has it's a good one so shit off, Dreamy probably has a good reason"  he yelled glaring at Zero. Zero sighed," Ok, ok, calm down Good". Good scoffed. "The reason they are all still alive," Dream started, holding a pocket knife," is out of pity, I doubt they are all prepared to fight 6 powerful people on this whole smp" he said throwing the knife into the wall. Everyone started at him, "Yeah, I agree, give them some time to panic" End smirked. "What about the egg?" Nightmare asked. Dream stood up startling everyone, "End has to deal with it since it's his egg" he said. "What no" End exclaimed. "We didn't tell you to put the egg there" Good said. "C'mon, let's just leave it there for a little" End whined, "I see no problem with that" Zero said. Dream walked over to the door," Alright, I'm heading out, don't kill anyone" he said, lazily waving his hand. "Dream wai-" Zero started until Dream shut the door. He sighed, "I'll go check on him Zero" Lucid said heading out. 

Everyone decide to forget that they all betrayed the only person who cared about everybody including Quakity even though he is kinda a dick but we are just gonna leave that there until," What are we going to do now?" Tubbo asked. "I would say find him but I think we have caused him enough pain" Phil sighed, "So what, are we just going to leave him out there" Sapnap yelled. "Drop the act Sapnap, we all know you don't like Dream" Ranboo sneered. Sapnap turned his head, "Since when do you care Ranboo, all I can remember, is you not remembering anything at all" He yelled. "Yeah but I remember you being a horrible friend to him" Ranboo snapped. "Stay out of this Ranboo, you and Dream haven't even talked at all" George screamed. "What do you know, you spend your life sleeping" Techno yelled. "If you and Snapmap weren't so fucking stubborn, you guys would know that Dream used to visit us" he hissed. Ghostbur, for the first time, wasn't feeling very happy. "Dream helped all of us, he helped me by helping me feed Friend and being there for me when I was sad, he helped Phil with the crops, he helped Ranboo with his house and his panic attacks and he helped Techno with the voices and the potatoes" Ghostbur muttered loud enough for everybody to hear, "he also helped us with cooking so we wouldn't have to eat potatoes" he laughed quietly.  "Maybe you guys should have given him a chance or at least asked why he did that and maybe then we could have helped" Ranboo sobbed quietly. "I'm sorry" he said running out the door. "I'll go check on him, Phil" Techno said, glad to get out of the bakery filled with some of the people he hated.

To be continued

Glad to announce that each chapter will be 800 words or longer :)

Story time: I almost deleted everything unsaved oh my gawd

I you guys want something to happen in this story, let me know I would love to add your guys' ideas in the story. Also someone wanted me to spice the dreamons relationship with Dream so that's what will happen. Just to let you guys know, Lucid, Nightmare and Dream are totally different people, Lucid and Nightmare are just dreamons that kinda look like dream so don't be weirded out if something romantically happens between them, I will not be shipping Zero and Dream.

(I have more wording idk if you guys have noticed be proud)

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