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I slurp on my noodles as I sit in Hiroaki's lap, his arms around my waist and his legs criss-crossed. "So, does anyone wanna hit the skatepark with me tonight?" Koji cocks a brow and looks around the room. I nod my head and hum, "Sure, I'm game,"

"Yeah, I wanna go too," Hikaru grins as he munches on some chips, his lanky body spread out on the floor. Koji chuckles, "Where's your board, bro?"

"I rollerblade," he shrugs. I nod my head once again, "He's pretty good, too."

Kai smirks, "I'll be the judge of that."

"Guess Kai's coming too, what about you, Hiroaki?" Koji eyes the man curiously. Aki shakes his head, "I've gotta study tonight," he sighs and squeezes me a little tighter. I chuckle, "That's okay, maybe next time~" He hums, "You're not crashing here tonight?" "I can't," I sigh, "Promised Haruhi I'd come watch her formal dance lessons. There's this ball-thing coming up and since she has no experience, one of the guests is helping her out."

"Miss Kasugazaki Kanako," Hikaru sighs, "She's made her rounds through the host club quite a few times, and she's taken a liking to Haruhi. Of course, since she was most recently Tamaki's 'princess', he's been throwing fits and begging Haruhi to start dressing as a girl again."

I groan, "He's not a bad guy, but he's a huge idiot pervert who obviously has a thing for Haruhi. Not to mention- he's egotistical and arrogant. He also refers to himself as 'Daddy' and insists Haru and I are his children."

Hikaru shakes his head, "The Boss is immature as ever..."

"I can't imagine what he was like in middle school, probably even worse," I groan and Hikaru hums, "He's a little less stupid now, I'll give him that- but he's completely oblivious to what's going on around him."

"This Tamaki sounds like a real character," Koji rubs his temples and I snicker, "Yeah, but I'm sure you two'd get along- I can see it now, the Cockatoo bastard and the arrogant king~ It's a match made in heaven. You two idiots would never run out of things to talk about."

Koji jumps over the coffee table and robs me of my ramen, making me frown, "Give it back you asshat." I demand. They shake their head and I groan as he begins to slurp up the remainder of my lunch, "Asshole..." I pout and lean into Aki.

"So, why exactly do you not want the host club to know about all... this...?" Hikaru gestures to the group and I sigh, "I just don't want Tamaki to find out, to be honest- plus, they might use it to cater to my 'character type' and this isn't something I'm doing for attention. I love music, I love these guys! This is the career path I wanna take, y'know? Maybe I'm overanalyzing things, but I dunno... I'm just not comfortable with the idea of the host knowing yet."

"Damn, M/N's not just a feral cat boy, he's got emotions 'n shit." Koji teases as he pokes my forehead. "I'm not a 'feral cat boy' you idiot," I roll my eyes. He shrugs.


Koji and I skated down the street, Kai and Hikaru following close behind on their rollerblades. I loosely held onto the straps of my back pack as I jumped from the curb to the street and crossed to the other side. Koji grabbed a light post and spun himself in a circle before crossing the street as well, "Show off," I muttered. They snickered and hit me on the head lightly as they passed, "Rude!" I called after them. Hikaru and Kai laughed and I turned to face them.

As the three of us turned into the skate park, we saw Koji stopped and staring ahead of him with wide eyes. I cock a brow and stop beside him, "Hey man, why'd you stop?" He pointed ahead of him shakily.

That's when I saw it.

A couple feet away from us was a small car, it had crashed into the outer-railing of the skatepark and the whole hood was crushed in. Police tape surrounded the park and I frowned, "Is anyone in the car?" Koji shook their head, "The lady just got carried away on a stretcher, she was drunk outta her mind and screaming curse words at the paramedics. She didn't look too hurt."

"At least there's that... well... guess the skatepark trip is cancelled," I sighed turning to Kai and Hikaru, "What now?" I cock a brow toward Koji who taps his chin.

And then...

The two of us share a knowing look as smirks form on our faces. He cocks a brow and I simply nod, "TO THE STORE!!!" I announce as I pump my fist into the air, Koji mimics my action as we gain the attention of nearby police officers and paramedics. Kai and Hikaru drag us away from the scene and down the street.

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