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I dropped off my belongings in my room and then joined Hikaru in the living room, sitting across from him on the floor, "Where do I start?" I ask rhetorically as I look down at the table.

"Maybe... the start," Hikaru grinned, making me laugh.

"Alright then... Well to start, I skipped the host club yesterday because I had practice," I say, leaning my head in my palm. Hikaru cocks a brow, "Practice? Do you play a sport or something?" I snort, "No way in hell would I willingly play a sport. No, no. I'm in a band."

The ginger's eyes widened, "That explains the guitar-"

"-Not a guitar. Although I do play guitar, that was a bass." I grin, "I'm the lead vocalist and the bassist of the band."

He smirks, "Oh-ho ho, so you sing? I've gotta see this"

"No way in-"

"Guess I'll go ahead and tell the Boss Mr. Sato is in a band- I'm sure he'd love to see-"

"-FINE! Let me get my guitar, cause it'll be awkward without music." I stumble into my bedroom and grab an acoustic guitar before plopping down in front of the boy. I take a moment to think of a song but settle on When The Sun Goes Down by Arctic Monkeys.

I strum my instrument with ease and look out the window.

"So who's that girl there?

I wonder what went wrong

So that she had to roam the streets

She don't do major credit cards

I doubt she does receipts

It's all not quite legitimate"

I purposefully look up at Hikaru as I sang the next few lines,

"And what a scummy man

Just give him half a chance

I bet he'll rob you if he can

Can see it in his eyes, yeah

That he's got a driving ban

Amongst some other offenses"

I close my eyes and continue, 

"And I've seen him with girls of the night

And he told Roxanne to put on her red light

They're all infected but he'll be alright

Cause he's a scumbag, don't you know

I said he's a scumbag, don't you know!"

I let out a sigh and set down my guitar, looking up at Hikaru who frowns, "You didn't finish the song." I shake my head, "I'm not singing a whole song to prove a point, Hikaru." His eyes widened slightly, "How'd you know it's me?"

"Seriously?" I groan, "You two may look alike, but not only are your voices different- you have more of a mischievous demeanor than Kaoru- not that it's a bad thing- I mean if you put in the effort, it's not hard to see who's who."

He sighed, "Yeah well- uh continue with your story or whatever-"

"Okay?" I run a hand through my hair, "So yeah I had band practice, and I skateboard. It's one of my hobbies. I don't have that many piercings compared to my other friends, so I don't see the big deal. I take them out at school so I don't get dress coded. I only have a double helix on my right and two standard lobe piercings- nothing crazy."

Hikaru shook his head, "You have a tongue piercing, too." he stuck out his own tongue for emphasis. I flinch slightly, "How- How the hell did you notice?"

"I'm not stupid-"

"That's debatable-" I snicker.

Hikaru scoffs, "That's another thing, you're weirdly sarcastic. Where was that at school?"

"Eh, I kinda keep up a school persona, nothing personal but I'm not tryna be sued by some spoiled rich kids." I shrug, "I'm sure you wouldn't but some of the dudes there can't take a joke."

"Fair enough," he says as he leans on the table, "So what about that 'partner' of yours?"

"Ah, my boyfriend~"

Hikaru freezes, "B-Boyfriend?"

"What's the matter, pretty boy? Never seen a bisexual before?" I smirk.

He shook his head, "No I just thought when you said 'partner' you meant they were non-binary or something..."

I smile, "So you've got no problem with the whole boyfriend thing?"

"Why would I? I'm not dating a guy. It's your life."

"You're not such a crappy guy after all-"

"Anyway, I want in on the band thing-"

"I take it back, you're horrible."

Hikaru snickers, "What? You thought I'd let you off the hook that easily?"

I frown and Hikaru continues, "So when's your next practice? I wanna watch."

"Fine, you can watch. But you can't tell ANYONE. Not even Kaoru." He nods and I sigh, "M'kay, practices are on Fridays and Sundays. Drop by my place, we'll go together so I can keep you in check."

"You act as if I'm a wild animal," He pouts and I scoff, "As far as I'm concerned you are. Now, can you skate?"

He shakes his head, "But I can rollerblade, will that work?"

"Guess it'll have to," I look over at my clock and frown, "It's already so late and I wanted to drop by during Koji's shift. You wanna come to pester them with me?"

Hikaru squints at me, "Is Koji your boyfriend? I don't wanna third wheel."

I fake gag and shake my head, "No way. Koji is my partner in crime." I grin.

He snickers, "Count me in."

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