School moments 1

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You woke up panting "what's the time WHATS THE TIME"you hollered looking at the alarm ,nobody woke you up which was a surprise because your mother would have done it hours before the alarm.the time was...
You were supposed to leave at 7:50!and get to the school at 8:55
You jumped up and in a rush got changed into your uniform ,showers can wait until we get back from school!You rushed downstairs got a packet of crisps and dashed out the door speed running your way to school

You got there just in time  8:55 but you were pretty much about to die "huff...huff"you looked up and saw  Venus and Viola "why do you look like a mess?"viola asked tilting her head"this women probably woke up at like 8 didn't you?"Venus said shaking her head
"Even worse I woke up at 8:30!"
"Haiya!geez are you that lazy?what time did you fall asleep?"
"1 am"you sigh but then the bell rang

In a rush you go to your class it was science you hated it
-an hour passed -
Next it was English a little easier but dear god was that teacher unbearable
-30 minutes passed-
Freedom for twenty minutes!you rush out to the halls wondering if any drama went on ,nope but found out something else went to you
It was the boy "your friends were telling me you wanted my number ,and I don't know what you need it for but here"he put the piece of paper containing the number onto her hair "don't .loose it"he turned away

"Geeze when was he this cold blooded?"viola asked confused "but at least he's still pretty "she got elbow nudged by you "hey what did I do?"she crossed her arms as you and her watched the cold blooded boy walk away with a pissed look"whatever pff "you ignore and went to find your other friends,Aiden and ember

"Geeze when was he this cold blooded?"viola asked confused "but at least he's still pretty "she got elbow nudged by you "hey what did I do?"she crossed her arms as you and her watched the cold blooded boy walk away with a pissed look"whatever pff ...

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Aiden smiled "oh hello !I guess all three of you beautiful women are here !"
"Shut it Aiden "ember groaned

Aiden smiled "oh hello !I guess all three of you beautiful women are here !""Shut it Aiden "ember groaned

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They were a couple which surprisingly not a lot of people in the school knew.
"I'm just playing honestly!"Aiden chuckled as they locked arms together "I'm sorry guys he's like that"ember shook her head

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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