"Your dorm or mine?"

"to sleep?"

"Well, yeah"

"yours then"

You see, I've been having a lot of nightmares lately and I know Neville knows about them. He lifted me up to his dorm as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiles at me and carefully lays me down in his bed.

"Thank you Neville"

"my pleasure."

He then got into bed as well and I nuzzle into his chest. I yawn and he pulled the blanket over us. Just as I started falling asleep, he lifted his arm over me and started playing with my hair. He didn't realise it but he kept saying words to himself like: beautiful and so pretty, gorgeous. This made me giggle softly.


"nothing, you're just- never mind" 

I then went silent and closed my eyes, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. 


-Neville's POV- 

I love her so much, her perfect eyes, her freckles and that pretty smile. I want her to be mine forever. I never want this to end. I love the way she nuzzles into my chest whenever I hug her, the way the mouths the words when she reads in her head, how interested she is in all of the plants I talk about. I know she's been having a lot of nightmares lately too. It broke me when I said that awful thing to her those few months ago. It hurt me when she looked at me as though I was the worst person in the world. But if I didn't tell her, Draco would have told the whole school about mum and dad. I just don't want all of the attention. I don't want people to think their son let them down. I mean, I'm useless. The only thing I'm good at is Herbology.

 I fell asleep about 2 hours after she did and woke up with a stabbing pain in my stomach the next morning. I got out of bed and got dressed, careful not to wake her. I think she slept well because she is smiling in her sleep. Just as I was about to leave for breakfast the stabbing got worse so I had to lay down. I was just about to wake Naomi up but she opened her eyes slowly. I held her hand and shut my eyes wanting the pain to just go away. She looked at me with a concerned look when I squeezed her hand.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I have a really bad stabbing pain."


"in my stomach."

"Neville, it's because you haven't eaten in ages. If we go down to the great hall and get something to eat then you might feel better. How does that sound?"

I nodded and got up. She hadn't gotten dressed the day before so she was already in her uniform. We walked to the great hall and sat down by Fred, George and Miles. The pain had only gotten worse since the dorm so I slowly ate a pear. Naomi was holding my hand and when she saw me eating she smiled brightly and squeezed my hand. To my surprize I didn't feel sick from eating this time. No, I felt like I could eat more. I picked up a bit of toast and ate it. I then ate a bowl of cereal. Then an apple. Naomi was looking at me as though I had just found a cure for dragon pox. She kissed me on the cheek which earned a sort of smirk from Fred and George. The pain in my stomach had gone and I felt fine now. That was until........... the mail came.


-Naomi's POV-

Just as I was about to tell Neville something, the mail came. I got a package off my dad and Neville got- oh no! A howler. I had one of those from my mum in my old school. Neville just looked at it for a few seconds before he found who it was from and read that it was from his grandma. Ron then saw and advised that he opened it away from the students in the great hall. He ran out holding it until it got too hot to hold and he opened it. The howler was saying things like "DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY" and "YOU PUT SHAME ON THE LONGBOTTOMS" which made the whole great hall go silent. I heard it get quieter and quieter which told me that he had ran even further away until we couldn't hear it anymore. Then after 5 seconds of awkward silence, the hall burst into laughter. I however, didn't find this funny. I got up with my bag, and after 2 or 3 minutes of searching, I found him sitting in the corner of a corridor with his knees held up to his chest as he cried into them. 

"N- Neville? hey, it's alright."

"She's right though. I am a disgrace to the family"

I didn't know what to do so I hugged him tightly.

"I love you, Neville"

"Naomi......... that's the first time you've said that"

"So it is."

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