"At least it's secure for now." I mused, straightening and turning to Penelope as Spencer gathered Caitlyn's bag into his hands.

"I'm sorry about Caitlyn." Penelope pouted.

"Thanks Garci," I sighed, hugging her tightly. "The main thing is that she's safe at the hospital and we're all okay."

"Jason and Emily have all of the suspects in the interrogation rooms, Jason's men are watching them just now." She explained, nodding along the hallway.

"Great, and where are Jason and Emily?"

"They're in the conference room with everyone else. We were waiting for you to arrive."

I nodded my head and followed her inside the bullpen, Spencer and Morgan close behind us.

When we pushed into the conference room, Jason and Emily were sat at opposite sides of the table, separated by the team consisting of Carter, Peters, Jackson, Black and Kevin - Penelope's technical genius ex.

I paused as I realised there weren't any of Jason's men left-over, two being with Beth and Tilly, two with the Deacon's, one on Annie, the remaining six keeping close eyes on our suspects.

"Firstly," I said, dumping my jacket down onto the table, rolling my sweatshirt sleeves to my elbows and gripping the table as I looked at everyone.

"I'm suspecting that this room is bugged," I said, looking at everyone in turn as they eagerly awaited instructions. "I don't trust Newton, I don't know who he is, and with us securing this floor, he's bound to have had something fished through the pipes or the ceilings to get ears on us,"

Morgan was nodding as he took a seat at the table, Spencer sitting beside him.

"Penelope, what do you have on him?" I asked, straightening and folding my arms.

"Barney Newton," She announced, clicking an image of him onto the screen. "Graduate of Criminology, attended the academy at eighteen, graduated at twenty-two, one of the best in his class, but pretty average and not destined for glory.

"He went straight into the fraud squad and moved from there to major crimes, he did a period in the TU but the high-risk lifestyle wasn't for him and so he transferred back to major crimes.

"Track record is impressive, but not too good, his performance is on the higher-end of average, but daddy was a Judge in the Supreme Court, and mommy is an attorney within the DA's office," I rolled my eyes and shook my head, a smirk on my face as I realised that of course there'd be higher power behind him.

"So there's no guessing why our little Barney is the new Director."

"Temporarily," I emphasised. "There's no way we're letting him keep that position permanently."

"I don't get it," Jack said, shaking his head from his seat beside Jason. "I thought the heads of the Bureau were in support of you, Mel?"

I nodded and ran my hand over my head.

"They are, it's the intelligence agencies that are putting pressure on them to turn me over. And when that happens, it's a game of politics."

"What are you going to do?" Jack asked worriedly, chewing on his lip as he sat forward and leaned on the table.

I was silent as I thought about this and began pacing, all eyes on me now.

"It's not safe for us here, not when they're watching and listening. They'll be reporting back to the CIA, who have yet to make direct contact with me FYI." I said loudly, staring at the ceiling as though to look at those who were listening.

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