"But it's too dark to go there" one of the students said

"Guys guys don't get panic we'll found a solution so don't worry" mrs.lee said

"Everyone now let's go to your own tent we'll search for them tomorrow morning because it's already dark and mr.kim and me are trying do something we couldn't find them easly" he said

"What do you mean by tomorrow we don't know if they are okay or not what if they get into any danger" jungkook shouted

"Koo I think mrs.lee is right we couldn't find them right now it would be better if we found them in the daylight" I tried to calm him down

"Bu-but jiwoo-" I cut him saying "trust me" and smile he also smiled

"Okay" jungkook said and we all went to our tent...

*I hope you guys are okay* I thought myself

Debadrita's pov

After awhile we reached a spot not a ordinary spot a beautiful spot.. the place was sparkling because of fireflys..

"Woaa" that was so amazing..... Then taehyung put me down

"It's beautiful right?" He asked and I nodded my head

"I'm happy that we lost if wouldn't lost then we'll never seen this beautiful place" I said and he nodded

"What's than sounds?" I asked as I heard something like water

"I think fountain" he said while eyeing whole place..

"Let's go" he said and sat down so I can hop on his back again..

"Woooooooooooooo" I squealed seeing the scenery in front of mine

"It's look like a fairy tale" I said in amusement..

It was a fountain with so many night flowers and the moon also a smoll lake...

Water was sparkling with help of moon light...

Then we sat on a rock near the lake...

I was admiring the beauty of the place then I felt that someone was staring at me and by someone it's taehyung because he is the one who is with me so I turned around to see taehyung was stare at me.

"What?" I asked frowning my eyebrows

"Beautiful" he said


"The scenery is beautiful" he said while looking at the fountain...

"Ahhh I'm hungry" I whined we were sitting here for so long and now i was getting hungry...

"What do you want me to do?? Do you think I'll go in the forest and search for food for you?? Hell no" he said and I pout

"Wait what's in your bag??" He asked

"My bag?" I asked and he nodded and turned around to see a bag which was not mine

"Wait it's not mine it's jiwoo's bag" I said *but why this bag is with me?* I thought

*Ahhh I remember when jiwoo was tieing her shoes lace she handed her bag and I forget to gave her back*

"It's mean" he said and grabbed the bag from me

"Ya give me something" I said while he already opened a chips packet

After eating our dinner means snack I was shivering from cold...

And then I felt something on me like a jacket...

"What are you doing?? You'll catch a cold" I said him when he just came closer to me

"Let's sleep" he said

"How could I sleep like this??" I asked him

And then he started to sing a song I was listening to him while my head automatically fall on his shoulder and after sometime I drift off to sleep...

Taehyung's POV

As I finished the song I saw debaa already fall asleep...

I put my one hand on her waist and pulled her closer to me and plant a kiss on her head..

"Good night dummy alien" I said then I also fall asleep....

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter

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