She turns her head towards the redhead. "And that's Carrie Cutter. You can ignore her if she annoys you."

I make a mental reminder of that. "All right, so what's the plan?"

Warner looks around, as if to make sure no one is listening. Then she tells me. "Next week, we will be moved to a maximum security facility. You are going to stop the van, so we can escape. We will free the other women in there too, so we'll have an army at our disposal."

It suprises me how much I missed this. I really love Sara and I really like flying through time and fixing the past, but I also love the thrill of this. The thrill of being the villain. "Then what?"

"Then the real fun starts." Cutter says, biting overly seductive in the terrible food she's eating.

Chien explains it a little bit better. "We heard that after Tobias Church died, he left some money behind. A lot."

"Who's Tobias Church?" I ask them.

"Doesn't matter." Warner replies. "All that matters is the price."

"So do you have an idea where it is?" I ask.

"That's what we're gonna find out, but first we need to get out of here." Warner says.

"Give me a place, date and time and I'll be there." I tell them.

Cutter takes another seductive bite from her food. "I like her."

"February 22th. The bus will ride past the crossing of the river and the railroad. We'll let you know when exactly." Warner says.

I nod, even though they can't see it. "Okay. Just one more thing, the army is a bad idea."

They all look confused. "What do you mean?" Warner asks.

I explain: "It's too risky. I mean it's already risky of you to bring me into this, let alone a collection of criminals that you don't even know. What if they don't follow you? Some of them could actually be 'good' people... you think they won't rat you out? Just free the prisoners, take the van, and we'll do it ourselves."

Cutter is still amused, while Warner sighs and seems to be thinking this through. Chien already did. "She's right. Zhishan always thought us to be efficient. That means doing the job yourself."

Cutter does some sort of pouty thing with her lips. "Ourself? I wouldn't want to get these pretty nails dirty." She shows her nails, but they're not pretty at all. I'm assuming that's because they don't have nailpolish in jail.

"Can't believe I'm taking advise from someone I can't even see." Warner mumbles.

"What are you talking about? Everyone takes advice from the spirits." I joke.

She rolls her eyes. "Can we count on you?"

"Of course." I decide to trigger Chien a little. "Anything for a friend."

She narrows her eyes and throws a punch at where she thinks I am. She wasn't wrong, but I do dodge her punch. "I hate you."

"No you don't." I whisper in her ear, quickly ducking to avoid the next punch.

Then, before Chien can actually hit me or the other people in here can wonder why she's punching the air, I get out.


I'm glad Sara taught me how to fly the dropship. Otherwise I'd be totally screwed. I park the dropship and make my way to the bridge. I'm not going to tell anyone about my plans, because then they'd be trying to stop me. Of course, I'll tell them everything afterwards and deal with consequences.

I'm also not stopping the prisonvan until next week. I could timejump into the future and get it over with, but timejumping into my own timeline will just make things complicated. And I don't need complicated right now.

I join Sara and the others in her office. Sara immedietly notices me. "Kate, you're back." She pats the seat next to her on the couch, which I gladly take.

I'm about to ask what we're doing, when Nate stands up. "Guys, I think I just figured it out. Why a seemingly invisible speedster would need to take on partners."

"By all means Dr. Heywood, please enlighten us." Egghead says.

He does so. "Okay, what if Thawne isn't just chasing us?"

"Thawne?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's his name. Eobard Thawne." He tells me. "So what if he's running from something?"

"But running from what?" Amaya asks.

"Time." He replies.

"Time takes time to harden." Sara realises.

"And if Thawne ceased to exist the moment his great-great- whatever killed himself, then, maybe, he has to keep moving in order for his own non-existance not to catch up with him." He explains.

See, this is why I miss my old life. It was just taking the money or killing the target, that's all. Here there are all sorts of threaths and it just keeps getting more confusing.

Amaya agrees with me. "That doesn't even begin to make any kind of sense."

"I don't know, it could work." Sara says. "Professor, what do you think?"

"Per the scientific method, there's only one way to prove it." Egghead replies. "You'd have to trap Thawne in one place and then see what happens."

I sit up a little straighter. "Great, so we just have to find the Legion, take out Darhk and Merlyn, trap Thawne, be able to contain him, and then hope and prey that what you're saying is true. Easy."

Sara sighs. "Easy."


I'm working my frustrations out on a dummy, when Sara walks into the gym. "Hey, I was looking for you."

I look over my shoulder and give her a small smile.

She comes closer. "Is everything okay with you? You seem a little off."

The question basically crashes my mind. One part of my brain wants to tell her eveything, the other part knows that if I do then she'll try to stop me and I'll let Chien down.

Lying is the only way to make sure nobody gets hurt, except for me maybe when Sara gets mad at me.

"I'm good." I say.

She's still a little hesitant, but quickly brushes it off. "Well in that case, I think you could use a shower. Care to join me?"

I smirk, take her hand and let her lead me to the bathroom.


A/N: Confused yet?

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