Bryn Reid (3 weeks later)

"I got donuts!" I yell out, holding 2 light pink boxes in the air as I walk into the bullpen.

"Chocolate frosted with sprinkles?" Spencer asks with a hopeful look.

"Absolutely. I didn't know what your guys' favorites are, so I got a little bit of everything." I say as I set down the two boxes on Derek's desk.

"I love you." Derek says as he grabs a regular donut out.

"That's my wife!" Spencer exclaims as he walks over and grabs his favorite donut out, smooshing it into his mouth before slapping the back of Derek's head.

"You've changed, man." Derek feigns a frown.

"Shut up, Morgan." JJ laughs as she walks over, grabbing a powdered donut.

"Did someone say they have donuts?" Dave grins as he walks out of his office and down the steps.

"Yes, I did. There should be a variety of things if they didn't eat everything." I answer as I steal a chair from an empty desk, sitting down next to Spencer's desk.

He stalks over to the donuts and strategically picks one out before taking a bite.

"You're welcome here everyday." He jokes and I laugh, setting my feet on Spencer's lap.

He absentmindedly runs my ankle as he looks around the room and eats his donut.

"Someone should go get Garcia or else she'll never forgive us." JJ laughs and as no one moves to get up, she takes the call.

"Oh my loves!" Her joyful voice calls as she opens the door, JJ following behind her. "Oh, an extra love!"

She skips over and hugs me tightly.

"How are you and baby Reid?" She questions and she pulls away.

"We're doing good. Don't exactly like throwing up almost everyday, but it'll all be worth it in the end." I rub my stomach slightly and she squeals.

"I'm so excited." She grins.

"Me too." Spence chirps.

"Me three." I laugh. "I can't wait to have coffee again."

"You're allowed to have like a cup a day. That's the only way I ever survived." JJ says, her brows furrowed as she sits on her desk.

"Well, when the father is a genius who has read everything possible on the effects of caffeine during pregnancy, it's prohibited until I can't sleep at night. And even then, it's only one cup a day." I tease.

"You're not prohibited from drinking coffee, it's just not great for you and the baby so I told you not to drink it unless you need it." He corrects, holding his hand up.

"I mean, it's not even like I drink a whole pot a day. I drink maybe two cups throughout the morning, three if I didn't get any sleep." I shrug nonchalantly.

"Which is why I don't see why it's such a big deal." Spence says.

"I like the taste of it." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Sorry." He raises his hand in surrender before going back to rubbing my ankles.

"god, i could never be mad at you when you do that," i let out sound, my eyes closing.

"I'm so sad that we didn't get to see the last ten years of them. They're so cute." Garcia whispers loudly to JJ and she nods.

"It wasn't that cute. I cant even tell you the last time we actually had a date." I point out.

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