The Ghost of the past and present

Start from the beginning

"I'm good," he says, to be honest being called Aunt is really strange and makes me feel a bit old but it also is nice, Tommy then comes in the room, "Morning Y/N," he says, and I put my hand up for him to high five and he does, "Good morning, how are you doing Tommy?" I ask him, "I'm okay, where's Uncle Pietro?" he asks, I nudge my head towards him still on the couch sleeping, "He's still asleep?" Billy asks, "Yeah, he's not a morning person, he'll probably wake up late"

"Morning family, Billy, Tommy, Y/N," Wanda says as she goes down the stairs, "Morning Wanda", "Morning Mom" me and the twins respond, after that Wanda starts doing breakfast for the boys, and once she served it she pulls me aside for a second, "I wasn't sure if you packet a Halloween costume so I made you one," she says handing to me a green costume, "Thank you, Wanda, you didn't have to," I say taking the costume, "Of course I did, we are family now"

After that I ask her where the bathroom is and she guides me there, allowing me to borrow a towel, I take a shower and then change into the outfit, once I have it on I realize it is very similar to one I once saw my mom in a picture wearing when she was younger 

After that I ask her where the bathroom is and she guides me there, allowing me to borrow a towel, I take a shower and then change into the outfit, once I have it on I realize it is very similar to one I once saw my mom in a picture wearing when s...

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This is your Halloween costume

I head down once I'm ready, "Wow Y/N who are you dressed up as?" Tommy asks me, "A superhero alien" I explain, "That's really cool, Aunt Y/N" Billy tells me and I thank him, after that, I go and play some games with the boys upstairs, Tommy wanted to play this dancing game they had against me

"You sure you want to do this kid? You are going to lose" I tell Tommy and he chuckles, "You should be the one scared old woman" I look at his wide-eyed laughing, "Let's bounce" We play 3 rounds and I win two of the three, "Told you I would win kid," I tell Tommy as I pat his head, "How are you so good?" he asks me, "I'm a competitive person, it's in my blood"

After that, we spend all morning playing video games, board games, and hang out, "How did you and Uncle Pietro meet?" Billy asks me as we are sitting on their room floor watching TV, "It's a funny story, way too long to tell right now, you should ask your Uncle about it, I want to see if he still remembers" I tell him, 

"How long have you two been boyfriend and girlfriend?" Tommy asks me, "4 years," I tell him, "That's a long time" Billy mentions and I nod, "It is", "Don't you get bored?" Tommy asks and I shake my head, "No, it isn't, let me tell you something kiddos when you find the right person, you two could do the same things for days, but it will never get boring",

"That's hella cheesy," Tommy says and I push him away playfully and stand up, "You two fellas should get ready and changed for trick or treating," I tell them as I walk away, "I'll see you guys downstairs," I say closing the door.

I walk downstairs and look at the time to see it's now 2:30, I decide to go and check on Peter to see he's still deep asleep snoring, he is in a very strange position, so I decide to carefully move him, I know I should wake up him, but he looks cute sleeping, and he doesn't like it when people wake him up and he's not in the mood to wake up. I put the blanket on him and seat down on the couch next to him.

I take out a book I had in my bag and start reading it. An hour and a half pass by and I hear someone come down the stairs, I look up from my book to see it's Tommy and he goes to the kitchen, I then see Billy walk down the stairs with his costume on as he starts speaking to the air? Well more like the audience.

"Halloween's a magical holiday. All about family, friends, and the thrill of getting to be someone for a day" he explains as he walks to the kitchen, "Wrong! Halloween's about candy and scaring people, but mostly candy" Tommy adds disagreeing with his brother, I stand up and walk towards the kitchen grabbing a glass of water

"Where's your costume, Tommy?" Billy asks him as he serves himself some Mac and Cheese Wanda made, "This is my costume. I'm the cool twin", "What does that make me?" Billy asks, Tommy looks up for a second thinking, "A dorksaurus rex", "Not a real dinosaur, right Y/N?" he asks me, "That I know of, no" I tell them

We then walk into the living room and the boys stand looking at Peter sleeping, "Man, he even snores cool. I'm gonna wake him up", "Don't" Billy whispers stopping Tommy, I can tell Peter stopped snoring which only means he is awake, "Are you scared?" Tommy asks Billy, I stand in front of the boys knowing what's coming

"He's our uncle. Why would I be scared?" Billy asks Tommy, "Cause it's four o'clock in the afternoon, and you are secretly afraid he's a vampire" Vampire, noted, now I know what type of prank he's going to pull, and am I going to join, of course, we are a team after all, "Come on boys, you know that's not true," I tell them, "No, I'm not", "Yes, you are" they keep arguing and I turn my head to see Peter moving

He comes up running behind me and acts as if he bit me and I turn into a bat, "Blood is thicker than water! I show you!" he shouts making Billy and Tommy scream, he starts roaring as he runs around us, the kids still screaming and I follow them still a bat, he then does a typical death moment Halloween sound as he moves acting as if he had a knife and was trying to attack the boys still screaming as he keeps scaring them

"Oh! Somebody better be bleeding, broken, or on fire" Wanda says as she comes down the stairs, I turn back into my normal form and the boys look back at me shocked, "But he turned you into a bat" Billy says, "He didn't, it was just a prank" I explain to them, "How did you turn into a bat then?" Tommy asks me, "Using my powers of course"

Hey guys!! Here's the new chapter!!! I hope you guys liked it!! This chapter is way longer than the previous two and it honestly makes me happy so yeah!! Something that I love about this episode is the relationship between Pietro and Tommy because it is so cute, so I wanted to show the same thing with Y/N but she doesn't really choose favorites and sides with Billy sometimes. Also thank you guys for the support with the story!!! It means a lot!!

Lots of love, Author,

Okay but imagine a Quicksilver slow-motion moment with the song 'Holding Out for a Hero' playing in the back, that would be legendary.

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