To be honest, I haven't given it much thought just yet and I might never do. Getting a scholarship is not an easy thing to do. You have to focus on the class you have chosen and study extremely hard for the whole year. And only if you are lucky and talented enough you can get it. In my part, I would have to practice a lot with oil painting and learn more art techniques. But I'm not the kind of person to over work myself, even though art is my passion.

As I stepped in the art classroom, the strong smell of fresh oil paint hits my nostrils, almost instanlty. The familiar smell makes me feel comfortable in the room and a small smile creeps on my lips. I looked around and saw that most of the students are here already.

Apart from one.

Frowning, I made my way to my seat which is beside Mia. My friend greets me right away with her warm smile, simultaneously giving me a bone-crushing hug.

For her petite 5'2" figure, she really is strong. But who am I to judge? I'm also pretty short.

"Hey Mia.", I greet her back with a smile. "Where's Hyunjin? It's not like him to be late for class.", I added right after.

There's seems to be a mischievous smirk playing on her lips when she heard me saying his name. Oh well, I might as well tell you now. I've been crushing on Hyunjin for at least a year now but I've done nothing about it. He doesn't seem to be interested in me or any relationship that is. Especially now that he is too focused on getting a scholarship. So as the good friend I am, I'm not going to ruin his future by confessing to him, or anything. I'll do what I always do. Admire him from afar, like the star he is.

I just fell in love every time I watched him painting so focused on his work. He looked like a work of art himself.

"Jisung told me that he'll be a bit late this time. Something about dealing with a friend of his. Why? Do you miss him already Olivia?", she said teasingly while nudging me with her shoulder.

"Oh, shut your mouth. I was worried that anything bad happened. But seems not, so end of discussion." I rolled my eyes on her, trying to hide my blush. She knows that I like Hyunjin ever since the beginning and she always teases me about it, saying that I'm a coward for not telling him how I feel. To say that I tried explaining my reasons to her and failed miserably every time, would be an understatement.

She just giggled in return, knowing that she made me flustered.

This little-

"Hey Liv! What are you drawing today?" Jisung interrupted my thoughts with his sudden appearance, smiling widely.

Jisung is the kind of friend that is always so cheerful and full of energy. In other words, a crackhead. But we all love him the way he is.

"Heyy Ji. Oh you know, still nature, as always. You?", I smiled back and started taking my painting tools out of my bag.

"Oh that's cool. Well, I'm still trying to finish the sketch I started last time, the one with the marbled sculpture. There's some finishing touches I need to do.", he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm sure it will turn out great. And by the looks of it, it already does.", I responed once I layed my eyes on his sketch, making him smile widely in the process. But I'm not lying though, he's very talented. The way that he imprinted the movements of that sculpture and the symmetry of the body, in such big piece of carton paper, is breathtaking. Don't get me started on the little details that he did with his awesome charcoal art skills. Using charcoal to sketch is not an easy thing to do. This boy can really be a professional sometimes.

"Thanks Liv. Hopefully, I won't ruin it at the last moment.", he chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, with a small blush visible on his cheeks.

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