It was as if they could see right through me. Like they know all my secrets like they know what I am thinking. It wasn't until Boss decided to clap his hand together that dramatically brought all of us back into our senses.

"Well, I am glad." Boss chirped. "Because after all, I wouldn't want to distress my future brother-in-law's wedding this weekend."


"Yes." He clasped his hands together. "I decided that either way, what is the point in losing what I want? Right?" I hummed in response not letting any emotion show.

"My point is that if at the end of this month and you can't 'complete' this mission. I won't just kill your family. But I have decided that I may as well make you my wife. As you will somewhat hold the titles of the Italian and Mexican mafia. It is perfect isn't it?" I chewed my bottom lip averting my tear-filled eyes.

"And if I do 'complete' the mission."

"Angelina princess, I am sure you realise by now that there is no escape for you. When I found you those years ago that was the time you assigned yourself to me. The whole rebellion and assassin blacklist run under my influence. It was only my liking for you and the kindness of my heart that decided I will keep your pathetic family alive." He stood up and walked around his desk before crouching before me.

"Mafias are weak, they have no strength or power. Not against us. I train my soldiers and people to be ten times stronger than any mafia member. This is why you train and try so hard to keep them alive. Because you know one wrong move and I will just flip a switch then BOOM!" He clutched my hands giving them a tight painful squeeze.

"Your family will be dead in a matter of seconds. After all, you and your sidekick were the ones who got the special bombs for your families special houses."

I should have felt torn, broken, shattered. But I only felt numb. I felt nothing. Which I know now is the worse feeling of all. Suddenly I felt a metal clasp been forced onto my wrist.

"What is this?" I asked loudly. Trying to take it off but my efforts only made the metal cling to my skin tighter.

"Let's just say this a tool for us dear. We want to keep a closer eye on you. To make sure you don't get distracted again."

He knows.

He grabbed my hair with a tight fist and lifted my head. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes." He smirked sourly.

"Good." He let go of me and I quickly fixed my hood and mask up before standing up. "and Angelina?"

"Please congratulate John for me and his new little side pet. I want to be on good terms with my brother-in-law when I come to properly meet him."



I jumped in my seat slightly at Roses bossy mothers' complaints yet again. Jeeze I thought Aunt Jessica was a nightmare. Well, Roses mother is a fucking terror. Thank God I am not the one marrying her otherwise I would be putting that bitch somewhere I couldn't hear her screeching.

"How much longer?"

"2 hours," I smirked to myself hearing my brothers whisper. My cousins looked just as miserable as me apart from the twins and Aunt Jessica. Who seemed to be soaking the snobbish aura of the night?

"you ok Juan? Or are you not handling this very well? Too precious?" I fake pouted. Only for Juan to scowl at me and Diego to send me a warning look.

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