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"...LUCAS searches for DARWIN desparately... no, wait, in desperation... No. That's not the right word... ugh."

Y/n sighed heavily and ran her hand through her hair in gloom. She's been writing the script for the 4th day in a row, and believe me, it was more than exhausting. All of the pressure from a TV company she worked in was slowly destroying her motivation and passion for writing, and what's more, none of the bosses cared. They needed more and more content, since the show y/n wrote the script for, seaQuest DSV, was getting more and more popular every day. The furiously increasing popularity meant more fame. More money. Greater success for the owners... and greater pressure for the creators.

"Mm, I'll just write... LUCAS searches for DARWIN. Yeah, that's good. LUCAS' eyebrows are furrowed, he's lost deep in thought. CAPTAIN BRIDGER notices LUCAS is very concerned about something."

Y/n leaned back in her seat.

"And now the dialogues..." she squinted, her head was hurting badly.

"I hate writing!!!"

A loud noise coming from behind made her jerk and turn around. It was Jonathan, her boyfriend, bursting through the door of her room. They've lived together for almost 2 years by now. When moving in, they both agreed on having separate rooms. Not that they didn't love eachother or the relationship lacked intimacy, no. Y/n was very introverted, so the time spent alone in her room was extremely precious in her life, and Jonathan, besides needing way too much space for his flannel shirt collection, liked to practice his script lines out loud in irrational night hours, preferably alone in a room. They could, however, sleep in one bed in either of the rooms, thanks to the intentionally bought king-sized beds. One night they slept in y/n's room, the other in Jon's, and maybe alone on the third. It varied based on their moods.

Jon threw himself at y/n, his arms drapping her in a tight hug.

"No no no no no, you don't hate it. Stop."

Y/n let out a muffled chuchkle.

"Baby, what are you doing...?"

"I'm saving you. From your writer's block or how's it called. By...

"...attakcing me?"

He grinned and kissed her jaw.

"Yeah. By attacking you with cuddles!"

She giggled as Jonathan pulled her to the bed. Y/n found herself wrapped in a blanket and her boyfriend held her to his chest.

"My little burrito," he squeezed her lovingly, "you seriously need some rest."

"No. I seriously need to finish writing the episode."

"When's the deadline?"

"On Friday. Why?"

Jonathan gasped in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me??? This is torture!!!"

"I knooow." she groaned.

Jon still couldn't process what he just heard.

"How can they give you 10 days to write a whole episode?! Even the actors get more time to learn the lines! Even I do!" he emphasised the I. Jon worked on the same show as y/n did - he played Lucas Wolenczak, a computer whiz.

Y/n buried her head into his sweather.

"You know, I loved this job so much, but now..."


She turned her head up and their eyes met in an intense connection.

"I bet you still love to write scripts. It's the crazy pressure that makes you think you don't. I know it, because acting is a big pain as well when the director has irrational expectations and rushes me. I hate those moments, even though acting is literally the base of my life."

Y/n stared into Jonathan's ocean eyes - she recognized a sea storm taking place. The usually light blue color changed into deep marine waves, crashing into coastal stones of her own eyecolor.

"Jon, baby, thank you for understanding. I love you."

She watched the riptide calm down, the harsh waves gradually turning into ripples until disappearing completely. Now the eyes she adored so much resembled two fountains, overflowing with affection.

"I'd steal the stars for you my love."

Y/n giggled and kissed his nose.

"You don't have to steal the stars for me, I like them where they are. Besides, how would we be able to go stargazing together?"

"You're right. We should do it tonight by the way. The sky's gonna be perfectly clear, I haven't seen a single cloud today."

Y/n gazed lovingly into his eyes.

"That's a perfect way to relax. Stargazing. With you."

Jonathan's eyes flickered between her eyes and lips as he leaned closer.

"I couldn't imagine a better night."

Their lips touched in an amorous spark. Shivers ran down y/n's spine as Jonathan's cold fingers traced down her neck. Their breathing synchronized, she felt the warm exhales of his brush her cheek. Y/n pulled Jonathan closer by tangling her left hand in his hair, while the right palm rested on his chest, right where his heart beated ever so quickly. Soft brushes of the locked lips sent love hormones rushing through their veins.

Jonathan pulled away slightly to catch his breath, eyes closed, his forehead resting on y/n's. None of them said anything, the silence spoke for both. They were madly in love, so madly words couldn't describe it.

"Y/n." he whispered after a while.


"Can I help you with the writing?"

"You would do that for me?" she muttered.

"I'd do anything for you and you know that."

She nodded.

"Thank you honey bun."

"Anytime." Jonathan wrapped his arms around his beloved one. "But let's cuddle just a little more, shall we?"

"We shall."



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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