A winter morning

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It was a Sunday morning, 3rd of December. Snow was falling, creating an endless white cover on the ground. It was still very early, so the perfect surface was yet left untouched. A couple of sumbeams shined through a heavy dark cloud, while the rest of the light was dimmed. One beam found its way into a window of a bedroom that belonged to Jonathan Brandis.

His bedroom was no different than a typical 17 years old's. Posters on all of the walls, tons of CDs, a big mess on the desk, clothes and cups tossed around his bed. The only difference was the floor was almost disappearing underneath the scattered fan mail he recieved every week. Yeah, Jonathan was famous as hell. Every single girl in America knew who he was, mainly due to a series "seaQuest DSV" he was starring in. However, being the most popular teenage actor of all times didn't change his personality or attitude. Jonathan was a very generous, kind and understansing person, aside from that he had a great sense of humor, making him crack hilarious jokes all the time. He talked a lot, his friends would even say he "never shuts up". Well, he did, but only when sleeping.

This was one of those moments. Jonathan was in bed, wandering through dreamland. Not alone - he had company. His girlfriend y/n laid next to him, slumbering. The two were madly in love, as madly as teenagers can be. Both being very busy people, the time spent together was precious, even when it was while being asleep.

Jonathan's arm wrapped around y/n's waist as he moved closer to her, softly breathing out. He finally felt relaxed for once. The stressful life of a young Hollywood actor was tiring him more and more, even though he loved his job and literally lived for the days on set. Y/n's presence in his life was a blessing. She just understood. Y/n enduringly went through his moods every time he lost control of his emotions, was it sadness, anger, frustration, tiredness, anything. The simple feeling of being accepted the way he is calmed him down. Y/n loved him no matter what, and being a young talented (film job you like) with a bright future, she knew exactly what he needed after a rough day - her patience and cuddles. She was well aware he'd never want to hurt her, just needed help by coping with emotions.

Naturally, Jonathan too was here for y/n whenever she needed support. It's just... She was extremely emotionally mature and insisted on handling most of her problems herself. Jonathan knew how strong she was and how valuable it was to her, but he still tried every day to make her life easier. Not only helping her with cooking, tidying up her appartment or sorting out papers, but such small acts as opening the door for her made her heart flutter, filling her veins with happiness.

Jonathan slightly opened his sky blue eyes as y/n turned to her other side, facing him with eyes still closed. His fingers made their way to her hair, gently playing with it. The single light beam fell on the strands, making it shine. She looks like a princess, he thought. Jonathan's fingertips now traced down her cheek, admiring her skin. The imperfections she battled with courage didn't even slightly affect his view - all he could see was his beautiful, precious, good-hearted y/n, flawless as she is.

He kissed her forehead with care, soft lips touching the skin lighter than a butterfly's wing. Y/n shifted, entangling her legs with Jonathan's. He noticed she was already up.

"Good morning sunshine."

She looked up, meeting his loving gaze with her soft tired eyes. Jonathan couldn't help himself but got lost in the (eye color) eyes he adored so much.

"Good morning love."

Her words made his heart melt. A smile formed on his lips, never leaving them as he pulled y/n even closer.

"I love you y/n. So, so much. You don't even know."

She giggled into his T-shirt and moved to kiss his cheek. A soft whisper escaped her lips, finding Jonathan's ear.

"I love you even more Jon. Believe me."

As her head came back to the pillow, their forheads touched and Jonathan mumbled: "That's impossible."

"I guess then it's best to say we love eachother equally as much," she smiled and caressed his cheek.

Jonathan buried his forehead into the crook of y/n's neck as her hands shifted to connect and trap him in a hug.

Their breathing slowly became synchronized, both engraving the feelings in their memory, wishing these moments would last forever.

And even though eventually the couple had to get up, there came many times again when they could cuddle up and just enjoy eachother's company. The love y/n and Jonathan shared had never faded away.

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