Chapter 20- A childhood promise never broken

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Atsumu's eyes widened hearing the words come out of Terushima's mouth. 'We would never leave you. We promised when we were younger. You probably don't remember though.'. The last two lines 'We promised when we were younger. You probably don't remember though'. repeated in his head, again and again causing his eyes to widen after, fully processing everything he just heard come out of Terushima's mouth. Atsumu's mouth dropped to the floor in seconds, with a shocked expression shown on his face and confusion in his eyes. He was extremely confused about what he just heard.

"You should close your mouth before you eat a fly." said Sakusa chuckling.

Atsumu closed his mouth but a shocked expression still stayed on his face.

"You're probably very confused right?" asked Terushima.

"I am. Does that mean we knew each other when we were little?" asked Atsumu.

"Yes it does." answered Kita.

"B-But I don't remember. Not a thing. It was probably a memory that was buried underneath the......not so bright ones, only to be forgotten.......sorry." said Atsumu with a hint of guilt in his voice.

"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault all those things happened. You probably just haven't had anything good happen to you for so long, so you forgot you even had good memories." said Kita.

"Yeah it's not your fault ya' know." said Terushima.

"No one here blames you for forgetting Atsu." said Kita.

"Really?" asked Atsumu.

"Yeah." said the three boys in unison.

Yako thought of an idea that she thought would make the fake blond(not Terushima), remember what happened in the past between the four boys(yes, she remembered what happened and she knows that it happened because, she was there).

"How about you remind him about what happened. You know, the thing." said Yako giving hints.

"Oh that's a great idea Mum! Here, do you remember this?" asked Terushima holding his pinky finger out moving it up and down.

Memories quickly flashed through Atsumu's brain of his childhood.

Flashback the first day of kindergarten*

"Goodbye sweetie Mummy and Daddy loves you." said Aiko kissing Osamu on the forehead.

"Do you think I'll be able to make friends?" asked Osamu.

"Of course you can. You're really talented so I'm sure you'll be able to make friends. You're a good talker as well. That's very good because, when you grow up, you'll be able to take over the company alone." Said Haito.

"Alone?" asked Osamu.

"Yes alone." said Aiko.

"Waht about Tsumu?" asked Osamu.

"'s ok just go and have a good day." said Aiko.

Atsumu was standing there watching everything unfold. Things like him being left out had started o happen not long ago. He was not so surprised at it anymore but, it didn't mean he liked being neglected and ignored. He and Osamu walked into the kindergarten gate Osamu taking the lead. When the day ended, Osamu already made lots of friends. Just like what their parents said, Osamu is a good talker. His talents also made the other kids admire him as well. Everyone wanted to become his friend. 

Osamu was the center of attention and him alone, leaving Atsumu alone without anyone to talk to or play with. I guess you could say this was when their relationship started to get more distance. Osamu stopped hanging out with Atsumu as much. At recces and lunch, he would hang out with his new friends. He was having so much fun that he even forgot his own brother was there as well. His attention was focused on the other kids who desperately wanted to become one of his friends.

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