Chapter 1

65 0 0

Time 22:32 pm

Location: unknown

As the story continues

The white haired child is seen sneaking inside the engine room of the ship

Shocking the last guard/hijacker unconscious

"Ok that should be the last of them" said the child panthing in exhaustion while tying the hijacker up" linka whats the status up bay

"None of the enemies are alerted of your presence, yet, but I suggest u turn around now, a enemy is aproaching through the right 8 seconds" says the female AI voice warning the child, moving immediately to ambush the hijacker

The hijacker is seen whistling whiel walking through the metal corridors, its been about 14 minutes since they took over, he was instructed to call one of his subordinates to the bridge

As he was approaching the door, the child is seen crouching between metal pipes, he rakes out a steel needle and charges it

The moment the guard passes through, the guard notices how eerily silent it was and felt as if no one is there as he was about to turn around, a painful shock coursed through his body immobilizing him a bit while a bit dizzy at the moment, and as he was about to stand up he was dropped down by punch to his jaw knocking him out

The boy tied up the guard and drag his body hiding him along side his subordinates

As he was about to leave them there, he left a little gift between them making sure they don't move or else

Now running through the metal corridors jumping, punching, grapling and kicking any enemies on sight

The white haired boy is seen sneaking his way to the controp bridge where 6 figures are seen inside

Preparing 2 flash bangs

The boy readied his dart gun or stun gun

Meanwhile the bridge

The hijackers and their team leader were inside discussing something when all of a sudden

A knock came to the door

Soon all of them went silent, and there attention was all on the door before they could asked who it was another knock was heard, one of them Seperated from the group to check who it was

Once he opened the door he was met with silence, he looked left and right, confused he was asked by his leader who it was in a foreign language, he looked back and replied no one, as he was about to close the door to objects came flying inside the bridge

Before any of the could react they were caught of guard as they covered there ears in pain some where crouching on the floor due to the pain, blinded and dazed from the sudden attack

The boy swooped in and began to shoot darts at them most of them were hit in the chest and the neck

Once the situation calmed down and all of the men are seen unconscious

The boy began to tie them down one by one once the bridge was secure boy headed to the control room or server room below the bridge, since the there were 2 entrances to the room only the boy took the route inside the bridge

And agagain the boy used the same tactic he pulled of in the bridge

Once secured, the boy began to decode, encrypt and cancel all unauthorized actions made hy the hijackers

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