Kaylen met his brown coffee eyes that seemed to be enough for her comfort. Not long enough, she looked away, making Oliver's frustration grew wider.

"you can tell me anything. Did I do something wrong?" he asked, more like a plea for answer.

Kaylen shook her head, mumbling a 'no'.

"then what is it?" he questioned, his scottish voice soft and gentle, as if he looked at Kaylen like she was the most fragile girl in the world.

He was worried that if he was impulsive, she would break, like a glass.

"I didn't want to tell you because—" Kaylen stopped, as she wiped her cheeks with her robes, sniffing as she did so.

"—I was worried that you'd be more careful with everything and that you wouldn't have anything else to say to me than that.." she sniffed again, laughing a little as she thought how embarrassing she looks right now.

"I'm sorry, I—" Kaylen didn't even get to finish her sentence, as Oliver pulled her in for a hug.

She hugged him back, and rested her head on his chest. His hands rubbed her back in comfort, easing her to calmness.

"it's alright, go on you can tell me anything.." Oliver muttered.

Kaylen shut her eyes tightly for a moment, before opening it again, and pulling away from him.

He looked at her, but she only focused her gaze on the floor.

"I— eerr— um..." the Slytherin blonde began to stutter.

Oliver placed a hand on her shoulder, and when she brought her grey eyes to meet his brown ones, he only smiled warmly at her.

"it's okay, take your time.." he said.

Their school bags were practically damped on the side of the stairs right now, but they couldn't care less. There weren't anyone around, and they were thankful it was lunch time in the moment.

Kaylen took a deep breathe, and tried to process what she needed to explain.

"I– have a brother.." she started.

"okay...?" Oliver trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

"Kleo Hills? Are you familiar with the name?" she asked, glancing at him.

Oliver thought for a moment. The name was actually rather familiar.

"Kleo Hills.. Kleo— oh, wait! that's the Puddlemere United's late keeper!" exclaimed Oliver excitedly, and when realization hit him, he frowned.

"oh... His Puddlemere United's late... keeper..." he mumbled sadly.

Oliver gazed at the Slytherin and opened his mouth,

"Is he your—"

"my brother, yes." Kaylen answered quickly, and the Gryffindor's frowned (if possible) deepened.

"did you know what happened to him?" the blonde asked the boy, who started on nervously fidgeting the hem of his jumper.

"Well, not in particular, but I've read it in the Quidditch Through Ages, and uh— it said he got into a traumatic accident and ermm— they didn't really said what the reason..." Oliver squeaked out.

Had I been mentioning quidditch to her when she's still suffering a trauma from her brother?, Oliver thought for a moment, slightly scolding himself for his mistake.

"Well, I'll tell you the whole story. I—" Kaylen cut off, and took another deep breathe.

"My brother, Kleo Hills, was indeed a keeper for Puddlemere. Until a tragic accident happened leading him to a complete coma. It happened during their quidditch practice. The injury made a big impact and—" Kaylen practically had whispered the last words.

She looked away anywhere but at Oliver's.

No one could particularly explain the expression Oliver was making right now.

"and he— he couldn't breathe, so they took him straight to St. Mungos. The healers there said Kleo was quite lucky to still be alive. Kleo's pulse was there, but weak, very weak that the healers wouldn't be surprised if he took his last breathe right then— I mean, how could they say that!?" she exclaimed, and a tear began to prickle down her eyes.

Then another.

And another.

Until her eyes were now swarming with human water.

"And I— I was broken. Kleo was the only sibling I was so close with. I didn't know what to do! He was just there laying on the hospital bed, sleeping, barely even breathing.." Kaylen croaked out, and she started breaking down, crying.

Oliver took this as his cue, to pull her in a hug. He held her tight, as she sobbed on his chest, gripping on Oliver's cloak for safety.

She was afraid that he would go, and leave her alone. Oliver was known to be competitive, he was a quidditch obsessed. So when he pulled Kaylen in, the blonde was slightly taken aback.

She expected Oliver to run away, minding that he couldn't be with someone who disliked his favorite game.

But instead, he held her tighter that if she was a glass, she would break, not because he was careless, but because he was holding her too tight.

"Is he— is he still alive?" Oliver asked softly, and she nodded.

"He is, but his soul is dead! It's been five years and I'm losing hope, but still, I wanted him badly to come back! He's just in a coma, but it's been far too long. Too long that I wouldn't be surprise to hear him already pass away.." she muttered, and he rubbed her back, holding her closer.

"hey, don't say that.." Oliver mumbled.

"But I'm still hoping. That he would one day wake up. That he would soon see me, and smile at me again. But instead, he's just sleeping, with his eyes shut close, and steady almost faint breathes. It's been five years! And I'm— I'm still expecting.." the blonde murmured.

He nodded understandably, resting his chin on her head, as he continued to rub her back in comfort.

"He will, I promise he will." Oliver muttered.

Even though his words were uncertain, it still sparks a slight reassurance on Kaylen's heart.

Never have she expected that 5 years from now, since Kleo's incident, would she actually find comfort in someone's words.

And never had Oliver expected in the beginning of his seventh year, would he, 3 months from now, hold a girl like this in his arms.

The moment was comforting.

Though, Kaylen did not really shared him the whole story of why, but she knew her explanation was enough for the boy.



So, the whole Kleo things are not really explained well in this chapter. But I swear, it will soon be and you would soon know why Kaylen hated quidditch so much.

I didn't wanna rush her on telling him, because we all know, that it's an emotional topic for her.

I mean— imagine losing a sibling that you are really close with in a 5 years coma!? — I mean I don't need to bcuz I have only an annoying sister, but hey...

Soon, you will know the whole reason of her resulting to hate quidditch.

I didn't input the whole 'why?' here, bcus the scene is gonna be save up for later, cus SPOILER: Oliver's gonna mess up!

Okay! Okay! I'm spilling too much tea! See you soon!


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