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Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great morning (: this was definitely an interesting chapter to write. That's all I have to say 😏

When I opened my eyes, I saw the sun filtering through my glass window. Crap. Had I overslept?

Looking over at the electric clock, I saw that it was eight. Oh no! I really had slept in. 

I tried to roll off the side of the bed, intending to check my phone, but I was held in place by something.

Turning over I saw that Hero was still lying shirtless, holding me in the crook of his arm.

He looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake him. This was the first time I really saw him like this. 

Taking ahold of his arm, I slowly lifted it off me, falling onto the floor. I recoiled when his arm hit the comforter, but relaxed when I saw he didn't stir.

Blowing a breath out of the side of my mouth, I quickly snatched my phone. 

As expected, I had an email from Tawnee that had been sent just a bit after Hero had come over the night before.

I'll fax you your set schedule, but for the rest of the week, I'm going to have you coming in at nine sharp. I hope you have a good rest of your night. 
T. Horan, Horan Enterprises Inc.

I was beyond relieved that I had an hour to get ready. Taking one last look at Hero, I gathered my favorite white dress and hurried into the shower.

As I lathered myself, I had a million things running through my mind. First, I had Hero to worry about.

It didn't escape me that there was a chance Cole would be down at the front desk. 

I didn't want any drama between the two of them.

Granted, I probably already started something, having gone to dinner with Cole, but I didn't think Hero and I would end up spending the night together either.

Well, we did more than spend the night together. 

I flushed, thinking back to all the things he did to me.

It brought out a carnal side of me I never knew I had. The way he possessed me and hit every live wire left me weak and wanton for his every touch. I knew for an absolute fact that no one in this world could make me feel the way he did.

It always left me wanting more. 

I didn't want to be the girl that he was constantly hooking up with. In that instance, I was no better than Kylie.

I didn't want to be known as the girl that Hero was dating. I wanted to be the girl that he announced was his girlfriend, to every friend and family member.

Could he do that? 

As soon as I'd finished and shut off the water, I allowed myself to pause a moment. Hero must have worked me to exhaustion. I already felt out of breath.

Wrapping a towel around my hair, I thought about what month it was.

It had been three months, hadn't it?

Yes. The next semester was nearly here. 

If three months ago was the end of September, then I was...


At this very moment, I didn't care if Hero was asleep. I flung the bathroom door against the drywall, rushing out towards my packed boxes.

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