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To you he's crazy; To his closet circle and himself he's not.

Perspective is a confusing thing but truly is the key to the world. It reveals the ignored fact that there is not too much of a thing as right and wrong, good or bad—sane and insane...

"To you and the rest of the world, my mind is fuck up but I know this the real me. I'm the perfect me Satan created me to be. Y'all the crazy one's" he mumbled repeatedly to anyone every day he was locked in that mental facility.

Most feared in all of the country, his heart held nothing but evil and demonic spirits—or did he?


She was almost as strange as they figured one could get—like what human being would want to go near that...monster?

Who in there right minds would want to befriend a true twin of the devil itself? Better yet, who would say he had a loving heart deep down inside?

She would, she had, and she was sticking to it...

"What you find normal,another person will not. No two minds think exactly alike therefor no one truly knows truth from the reality. That's the reality—At least to me but it's evident. Society loves to judge based off the rules they created but what about the mind and soul? Emotions? Gut feeling? Y'all blinded by what SOCIETY puts him out to be but what do we truly know about him personally?Nothing at all and I'm tired of being on the shadows" she preached in her journal every night, ALWAYS ending her entry out with that paragraph.

She took interest in wanting to give him a companion—a friend. As time moves on, would she end up giving her heart?

(Take that last line however you want to😏)

-y'all this took me a good 20 minutes to complete. I ain't even think this through for real but that leaves plenty of creativity for you, just make sure to use the points you all find importan!!

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