"Now stay away from Mirio, and we won't have this issue ever again. Okay? Okay."

"You'll never be a true hero."

I stated. With that they all left. I was still trapped underneath Ela's quirk, but I could feel it wearing off. I noticed that not once did I cry, not once did I let their words get to me. I didn't care. If they wanted to be that petty over me being friends with someone. That's on them. However for some reason..

I felt like I had to avoid Togata. Like they said, I was bringing his reputation down and I can't be doing that to him. He wants to be a great hero someday and I can't.. I can't let my selfish desires be in the way of that. The bell hand rung for class and I laid motionless in the bathroom. Blood was still dripping a bit down my face and I could feel the bruising within my arms.

Looking down at my wrist there was a hand mark there. Guess one of the girls had a fire quirk and was trying to torture me that way, strange that I didn't feel it.

"Ouch Touya-nii! That hurt!"
"Good! That means I'm getting stronger!"

I remembered a time where Touya had burned me, luckily for me my quirk had activated and iced it up. It was on my left shoulder. Nobody really knew of it because it was hidden most of the time anyways. I blinked away the tears that were forming, promising myself not to cry at school and over my big brother anymore. Just as I was about to get up I heard a familiar gasp,


It was Nejire, she had called me by my first name. I widen my eyes at her as I snapped my head to look at her. She must've been so shocked at the sight that she said my name. Upon hearing her scream two more pairs of footsteps walked into the bathroom. One a shy and timid Amajiki who felt embarrassed to be in a girls restroom and the other a furious and pissed off Togata.

"Mirio in Y/n's locker there's a first aid kit, go grab that."

At first Mirio is hesitant to leave but then he quickly sprints out of the restroom. Amajiki then walks over to me and picks me up. He places me down on the bathroom counter so I could be eye level with them instead of on the floor. His face held a deep frown.

"I'm fine guys, please this is noth-"

"Don't you even dare say that right now Y/N."

Nejire held a serious look in her face that caused me to widen my eyes. I could see Amajiki begin to pick up the chunks of hair, I could see him shaking, I wanted nothing more than to hug him. Once he threw the hair away, he actually hugged me, I held him back tightly. I could feel my body once again. I felt bad for the indigo haired boy, as blood was getting on to him.

"This isn't your fault so don't blame yourself, Amajiki.."

He nods his head and releases me from the hug. Soon Togata came back with the first aid kit I kept in my locker. He also had a blanket because I had that in my locker as well. He placed the first aid kit on the counter and opened it. He gave Nejire the scissors,

"Let's fix this hair of yours."

She said. She then started to even it out as best as she could as Togata was taking a paper towel and putting some anti infection on it. He rubs the paper towel softly along where the nails had scratched me. I flinched a little as it stung. Togata frowns a bit as he states,

"Luckily it isn't that deep.. I think it will leave a scar though."

After Nejire was done evening out my hair, she threw away the parts that she had cut off. Togata had fixed my face and cleaned it of any dry blood.

Blue Ice || Mirio Togata X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now