Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Epilogue

Start from the beginning

“How could I miss my boyfriend’s graduation party?” I smiled against his lips and kissed him once more. 

“Thank you, Louis.” He wrapped his arms tighter around me and smiled at me before pecking my lips.


 “Harreh!” I looked up from my math book and stared at the door in the classroom, with everyone else.

“Louis!” I quickly got up and ran into his arms and hugged him tight. “Why are you here?” 

“I wanted to surprise you.” I smiled widely and pecked his lips. We turned around as the whole class stared at us and a cough filled the room. I blushed lightly and pulled myself from Louis. 

“Sorry miss.” The teacher stared at me with warm and eyes. 

“It’s okay, Styles. Why don’t you sit down again so we can finish the lesson? And you can just take a chair and sit beside Styles.” She looked at Louis while I nodded and grabbed Louis’ hand, pulling him over to my seat.

“I’ve missed you.” He smiled at me and entwined our hands and stared at me until the bell rung.

As I packed my stuff, my hand didn’t leave his once.  We walked out of the University and sat by a little café right outside of campus. 

“How’s it going with University?” I smiled at him as we got our cups of tea and sat down in the corner of the café. 

“It’s working. I’m just happy it’s my last year.” I felt Louis’ grip around my fingers tighten before he let it go and dropped his gaze to the ground.

“Harry, we need to talk.” I stared at him with big eyes.

“So that’s why you came over? You’re breaking up with me?” He looked up at me and I felt my eyes water. He shook his head slowly. 

“No, Harry. That’s not why I’m here.” He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a little black box before he got down on one knee. 

“Will you, Harry Edward Styles, marry me?” I put a hand over my mouth and let out a shaky breath before I wrapped my arms around him again. 

“Never scare me like that, ever again. And yes, of course.” We stood up and he kissed me softly on my lips. “I love you, Harry.”

“I love you too, Louis.”


I looked at myself in the mirror and tried not to cry. I saw Liam, Niall and Zayn walking in the door. I smiled weakly at them as they stepped closer. 

“You ready, mate?” I smiled at Liam and nodded slowly. 

“I think I am.” I turned around and hugged them all at the same time. They smiled and I’m pretty sure I could hear Niall crying. I pulled them closer one more time before we let go and walked out of the changing room and up to the priest. 

Not long after I saw Louis walking up the aisle I smiled widely and I felt myself at the edge of crying, but I shook it of me as Jay gave Louis’ hand to me. I took it and let him up in front of the priest. 

“We are gathered here today to put together two wonderful young men. Louis William Tomlinson and Harry Edward Styles.” I locked my eyes with his and smiled widely while I mouthed 'You look beautiful.' to him. He blushed slightly before he mouthed 'You too'.

We didn’t really follow as the preist started to talk about how much we loved each other and how much everyone was proud. We didn’t even really listen to each others vows, cause we’d practiced to each other so many times before.  

“Louis William Tomlinson, do you take Harry Edwards Styles to be yours forever and never leave him?” I heard Louis giggle at the sudden change of words, to my defence; it was Zayn’s idea.

“I do.”

“Harry Edwards Styles, do you take Louis William Tomlinson by your side through thick and thin and rock him so hard he won’t remember his name?” My eyes widened before they found Zayns face. He was literally biting his own lip so hard you could see the blood, to not start laughing. 

“I do.” 

At this point no one could hold their laughers and the whole church started laughing hysterical, even the priest. I pulled Louis in for a tight hug and pressed my forehead against his. 

“I love you.”


“Daddy! Dad! Wake up!” I growled and dragged myself from Louis’ grip and stared at the little girl jumping up and down on the side of the bed. 

“Darcy, it’s like five in the morning, go to sleep.” I laughed at Louis’ rough morning voice before I climbed out of bed and picked up the little five years old. 

“What do you want, love?” She smiled big and wrapped her small hands around my neck and dug her face down in the crook of my neck. 

“It’s the first day of school next week, and I’m scared.” I smiled at her before I crawled back into bed, lying her between me and Louis. 

“You’ll be fine Darcy. Louis and I will be there and we know you’ll get loads of friends.” I smiled at her and she nodded as she wrapped her arms around the sleeping Louis. 

“Thanks dad.” And with that she fell asleep, with me following just minutes later. 

When I woke up a week later it was Louis who was covering my face with light kisses. I smiled and dragged him on top of me as I giggled as a school girl.

“As much I’d love to stay like this, we have a daughter downstairs waiting for breakfast. And we both know my cooking skills aren’t anything to be bragging about.” I smiled and pecked his lips before standing up and getting dressed. 

“I’ll be right down, babe.” Louis nodded and walked out of our shared bedroom and I heard him say something funny to Darcy making her laugh.

I took a deep breath and went downstairs and started making breakfast and lunch for Darcy. I smiled at her as she dug in her meal and ran off to pack her last things for school.  I turned around to look at Louis who was sipping on his tea. He gave me a weak smile as I started cleaning up.

“Haz, you’ve been staring at nothing for ten minutes now, we have to go.” 

My eyes met Louis’ worried ones and I gave him a weak smile before heanding over to Darcy, picking her up and walking towards the car. 

Not much later we all were on our way to the school, Darcy in the back talking about how exited she was, Louis focusing on the road and me staring out the window, trying to hold back the tears.

As we got to the school I felt Louis grab one of my hands and entwining our fingers and Darcy grabbing the other one. I smiled weakly and let out a small laugh, swallowing the tears that was threating to escape my eyes. 

We walked into the classroom and we felt everyone staring at us, eyes going from our faces to our entwined hands. I looked down shyly before stepping out of the classroom and hurrying towards the bathroom. Louis on the other hand started talking to some of the other parents, making friends.

It’d been half an hour when Louis had found me in the bathroom sitting on the floor crying. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed away the tears. I pulled him as close as possible and started mumbling how much I loved him. He replied me with a what’s-wrong-look.

 “I’m sorry, Lou.” I saw his eyes widen and his grip loosen. 

“Why are you apologizing?” He stared at me with hurt eyes and I felt my heart break just a little more.

“I have cancer, Louis.”

A/N: So, should I do a sequal? Just tell me what you think and yeah. Thank you so much for being reading. 

~Cyoneh xx

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now