Medieval Fantasy Series

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It's a fantasy series for a four-book series that I might post here or on another account.

Feast your eyes upon this beauty! ;)

Feast your eyes upon this beauty! ;)

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Honestly, I LOVE how these came out. My favorite part are the colors and how well they all go together. I've never made a cover with golden-yellow glowing stuffs before. But the one for Rage of Azr Lyo came out great. It took SO LONG though XD

All the titles begin with R! Unrelated to covermaking, but so HAPPY that worked out. I didn't think it would. This is the first time I wrote a series all at once so, yeah, quite happy with it all.

The font. Can we talk about the font? It matches the stories to a TEE! Kingdoms and Kings and evil Kings and soldiers and a Medieval-Era-Europe-inspired setting, a fictional Renaissance Italy alternative and swords and arrows and armor...and MAGICK!!

First time trying out this kind of story. Covers match them so well!

Problems, yes, okay.

The problem with having a wolf on the cover is that people MIGHT think it's a werewolf book.

It's not.

That's kind of why I put it to the side and then realized that it was a pretty cool design ;)

Oh, and see how it's ice and fire, and then, light and shadow kind of back to back like that. And then the two "light" ones in the middle?

They honestly look so good together.

First ever fantasy series covers?


Oh yes, it took about TWO WHOLE DAYS to finally feel satisfied.

Thoughts? ;)

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