At the sound of doors opening and closing, Mark looked to the entry way. In walked Louie and that red kid, (Mark hadn't cared all that much to remember the other's name). Mark's heart sank. Oh no.

The boys were startled for a moment, processing the scene. Fenton looked surprised when he saw them. "What's this? Kids?"

Louie looked between Owlison and Mark, fear in his eyes. And Mark felt helpless to do anything about it. The red one took a step behind his brother.

After a moment, Fenton spoke again. "Alright. New deal. Owlison, the red kid, and I are going to the roof. If you try to follow, I shoot the boy. Now I've got a hostage."

Louie and Mark's eyes widened. Huey (Was that his name?) rose his hands up, shaky. "I'm not sure I agree with this deal, especially since I have no clue what's going on," he said.

Fenton ignored him. "Understood?" He moved his gun from Mark to the duckling.

"Why are we going to the roof?" Owlison asked.

"So I can toss you off it." They left, leaving Mark and Louie alone.

Trembling, Mark fell to his knees. His mind raced for a million options for what to do next. But each one felt futile. He took a deep breath and got to his feet.

"W-what are we going to do?"

Mark glanced up towards Louie. "I... I don't know."

Louie started pacing around in circles, talking to himself. It would've made Mark smile in a different situation. "We can't go after them because then he'll kill my brother, but if we don't go after them, he'll kill Miss Owlison. Oh my gosh, someone is going to die. This is horrible. And after I called him stupid! I'm a failure! I failed! What are we going to do!"

Mark took him by the shoulders. "We're not going to waste time by going on about nonsense! You didn't fail and no one is going to die! Even if Owlison brought this on herself, but still! We're going to figure this out."

"But I am a failure if Huey dies! I'm supposed to protect him!" The boy threw his arms up, freaking out. "Even you think I'm a failure! That's why you gave the internship to Huey!" He ran a hand through his hair.

"Louie, I've got to be completely honest with you... I didn't give the internship to you because I thought you did do a really good job on everything."

"Did- Is- That's- Ummm..." The boy had a confused expression and he tilted his head. "What?"

Mark got to his feet. "Come on, we don't have time for this. We have to go save Owlison and your brother."


"We can have a heart to heart later. Right now there are lives at stake." After a moment, Louie nodded and followed after him.

"So what's the plan?"

"I'll think of it on the way there."

"Oh yeah, that makes sense, just like how you hire people!" There was noticeable aggravation in Louie's voice. Mark rolled his eyes.


Huey bit his beak, praying his brother would come save him. "Move it kid!" the older duck shouted when Huey moved too slow. The red triplet gulped. They stepped out of the stairway door and onto the roof. Huey raised a hand over his eyes, adjusting to the bright sunlight. He felt the grass under his feet, enjoying it in case these were his last moments. Noted: the grass on the roof of Waddle was soft and warm. It was kind of comforting. He wanted to ask how they grew grass on the roof, but he figured that would be an inappropriate question right now.

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