100% Sure

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Natasha internally sighed as she secretly stared at the small girl, seated across from her on the Quinjet. The poor girl was staring mindlessly out the window, her shallow blue eyes fixed on the same point. Every so often, a tear would roll down her cheek, and she would immediately brush it away, afraid of showing any sign of weakness.

About an hour into the flight, Wanda fell asleep out of pure exhaustion. Mentally and physically, Natasha thought.

Nat studied her face. Her cheeks were bloodied and sunk in, and she was very skinny. The poor kid was maybe 11 or 12 years old, but she looked around 8 or 9. Well, she never really asked Wanda her age. Natasha hoped she was 11 or 12. If she was any younger and put herself in danger like that, Natasha wouldn't know how she would feel. It made her nauseous just to think about it.

Nobody, especially Natasha, held it against poor Wanda for how she acted before she decided to team up with Clint against Ultron. She was doing what she thought would protect her and her brother, and they were just kids. Well, one kid now.

Natasha was so lost in her thoughts she didn't even realize Clint took a seat beside her. She startled a little, but Wanda startled a lot. She snapped her eyes open, looking around before remembering where she was.

"Hey, you okay, kid?" Clint asked, reaching out to touch her shoulder. Wanda flinched and pulled away.

"Don't touch me! I don't want to hurt you!" She said aggressively, but immediately her eyes fell. She regretted being so defensive. "Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's okay, Wanda. We know you've been through a lot, sweetie." Natasha cautiously took a seat beside her, placing a reluctant hand on her shoulder.

Clint took a seat on the other side of her, grabbing a clipboard on his way over."

"Dr. Cho, our doctor, wants us to ask you a few questions before we get back to the compound, as long as that's okay with you?"

Wanda nodded solemnly. Nat could tell she really wished her brother was there with her. From her similar experience to the one Wanda just had, being experimented on like a monster, question interrogations were a scary thing.

Nat smiled at her. It was forced and fake, but she hoped Wanda couldn't tell.

"Don't worry, sweetie. These questions are just for Dr. Cho, and if there's anything that you don't want to say right now, that's okay."

Clint glared at Natasha. "There is one question we need though, kiddo. Exactly how old are you, Wanda?

Wanda lowered her head, sinking herself lower into Natasha's red leather jacket. It was huge on her, more like a dress, but she didn't want to take it off. She adjusted her legs into a cross-legged position on the seat.

"Sweetie, you have to answer. Please?" Natasha coaxed, wiping a stray tear off of her cheek. Wanda flinched at the kind gesture but didn't pull away.

Wanda took a deep breath. Her voice came out hoarse and shaky. "I-If I answer you, will you promise not to send me back? It's scary there, especially if I'm all by myself, and I don't want to go back to HYDRA, and-"

"Hold on, Sweetie," Natasha said, squeezing her arm gently. Wanda stopped rambling.

"Sorry." She lowered her head.

"There's no need to apologize, and we are never going to send you back."

Wanda gave a small huff of relief. Poor girl, Natasha thought. She wondered how long she had that fear in her head, probably the whole plane ride.

"How old are you Wanda?" Nat asked again.

"E-Eight." Wanda waited for their answers, but none came. Nat and Clint stared at her, dumbfounded. Natasha felt sick. She cannot believe an eight-year-old had fought a full-blown battle with them. Two, for that matter. And one of them died!

When no answer came, Wanda filled the void with her voice.

"But I'll be nine in..." She counted for a moment. "Five months! And nine is basically 10, and 10 is basically 12, and 12 is pretty much a teenager. So I can be an avenger. Clint said I was an avenger! Please don't send me back!" Her voice was cracking again.

Natasha whipped her head around to Clint.

"You told her she was an avenger?"

"I was caught in the moment, okay? I told her that if she helped us, she could be an avenger."

"You told her to come and fight with us?" Nat yelled. Wanda instinctively plugged her ears and shut her eyes. Nat could tell she hated screaming.

"Sorry, sweetie," Nat said, brushing Wanda's matted and bloodied hair back out of her face. She continued her conversation with Clint, this time, a half yell, half-whisper.

"I can't even begin to believe why you would do such a thing!"

"I'm sorry. Firstly, I thought she was a little older than eight. I was also caught in the moment, okay? I wasn't really thinking, and I'm not used to babysitting during a battle.

Nat swung her head around to find that the little witch wasn't in her seat. She sighed.

"Well, you better get used to it, because she is staying at the compound."

Nat's eyes wandered to the cockpit where Wanda was standing over Tony's shoulder. He was showing her all the buttons on the jet, even letting her press one, which she did, slowly and carefully.

Nat smiled slightly, and Clint snapped her back to her conversation.

"I really am sorry, Nat."

Nat sighed and hugged him. A hug she really needed from her best friend.

"The poor kid. She's only a year older than Lila, and she's never actually been a kid before, just because of HYDRA."

Nat looked up at clint. She wanted to let go, not one for physical affection, but a part of her needed to stay, so she did.

"You know," Nat's voice came out muffled, hidden by Clint's sweatshirt. "She reminds me so much of myself at that age. Quiet, reserved, so cautious that every single move you make will get you into trouble." Nat thought for a moment before pulling away.

"I'm going to take her under my wing. Become her guardian, give her a childhood I never had. And she can train with us, learn how to control her powers, understand when and when not to use them."

"Nat, are you sure that's-"

"Yes, I am 100% sure. This is one thing I am 100% sure of."

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