I could feel the confusion radiating off of the others. "Melodi? Is everything okay?" I didn't say a word. Then, everything around us faded to black.

And I felt him behind me. I kept my eyes on Ethan's body, laying in this bed. But his presence was behind me. "I'm here." He whispered. I felt tears slip from my eyes. "You aren't alone, I am right here, I will protect you." And just as he finished his sentence, the room began to appear.

I wiped my eyes and looked at his body. Well, that was a nice visit, now wasn't it? I rolled my eyes at Oasis's comment. I let my thumb rub Ethan's hand. "Melodi?" It was Brandon. I looked away from Ethan to him and smiled.

"He is okay, he really is." Brandon didn't react the way I thought he would. He didn't look at me as if I was crazy, he looked at me as if I had just made a break through. "He spoke to you? Just now?" I looked at Ethan and nodded.

I looked at the time and realized how late it was. How long as I out? Brandon looked at the others. I noticed that Desmond and Dr.Violet were in the room. "You were out for a really long time, and you were just staring at Ethan, kind like he was a ghost."

I noticed him pause. "What else happened?" Brandon was holding back, I could feel it. Brandon scratched the back of his neck and began to stutter. "W-well, um, E-Ethan was k-kind of....staring back." My eyes widened.

"He was?" I smiled and looked at Ethan. He opened his eyes. I couldn't believe it, he opened his eyes. "But something else happened." Said the doctor. I looked at her.

"It seems that during the time he was talking to you, he was using up all the energy and strength that he had gained back, and now, I'm afraid he is farther in this coma that he was in the beginning."My smile faded and I felt my heart drop.

Paris signed and looked away from me. "Brandon, take her to bed, she needs to rest, I am going to go find that vampire freak, maria." Heather hit him and corrected Paris. "It's Zaria." Paris rolled his eyes. "Same thing." Brandon grabbed my hand and I leaned down and kissed Ethan on the cheek.

Brandon led me to the hall, and as soon as my foot hit the hallway, the door-bell rang. I looked at Brandon and pulled my hand away from him, walking down the stairs instead of up.

I saw angel sitting in one of the living rooms, she was watching Chowder. I smiled at her and walked to the door, opening it before the person begins to get door-bell happy. And as the person looked up and smiled, I froze, yet again.

It was her, the girl that was with Ethan, she was the one that smiled at me, she was the one that I saw in the bed with Ethan. My wolf growled. Why is this thing here? She said lowly. I took in her long black hair, her grey eyes, and her perfect smile. "Mel!"

She hugged me and I stiffened. And I realized I forgot her name. "Uhh, hi." I pulled her off of me and gave her a small smile. "Luna? Who is that?" I turned and looked at Angel, I smiled.

I walked to Angel and grabbed her hand after I pecked her on the cheek. "This is a friends of Ethan's, lets go and introduce you." Angel nodded and we began to walk back to the door.

I saw Brandon leaning on the wall by the door. I punched him in the shoulder and he grunted and followed behind me. "Hi, my name is Angel Marks, and I am also a friend of mister Ethan." I smiled at how adorable she was. She was playing with one of her curls, her sea-green eyes surveying the girl at the door.

"My name is Cecelia, and I am not a friend of Ethan's, I am his girlfriend." Angel raised her eyebrows. "No your not, Luna is right Luna?" She looked up at me and I shook my head. "I am a family friend of Ethan's Angel." She nodded.

The Returned Mate (BWWM) |TO BE UNPUBLISHED AND EDITED OCTOBER 2016|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora