A loss in a family echoes deep.

Start from the beginning

"Well hi there!" Brian smiles from the top of the stairs, coming down them to greet us. "And who are you?"

"I'm Theo and I'm four." He answers.

"Four? Woah! Well if you add on a few zeros. Then you'll be the same age as this house. My name is Brian, it's nice to meet you."

I watch as Brian crouches down and shakes Theo's hand. "Do you own the crabs on the beach? I've been catching them today. But mommy says I have to let them go back to their homes after."

"I do not own them. But they are my pets. Like Gracie is yours."

Theo smiles. "Do they have names?"

"Gosh." Brian answers. "I haven't thought of names for them. Do you have any names you'd like to use?"

"Um.. Theo?" He suggests making me laugh gently.

"Well I think I can do that. Theo it is." Brian smiles before looking over at me. "Come up for a tour."

"If you don't mind?" I answer. "It's a beautiful home, you have here."

He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. "It has some character, I can tell you that. Julie has been our own historian to this place as well as helping me rebuild it to what it is today. Let's get this tour out the way and then I can show you all the good stuff."

With a nod from me and Theo, we follow Brian and Julie down the corridor and into the depth of the house.


I learn that the restoration is being funded by the income from the cottages and Julie was proud to inform me that they are fully booked for the next year and a half.

Each room on the ground floor is decorated where as some of the floors on the second floor are still under construction. Brian only gave me a quick peek at the rooms before ushering us to another part of the home.

We were now set up in the dining room, where hundreds of photos were spread out across the table. Julies home base.

"This was the house when it was first built." She tells me, handing over a painting of the house. "Unfortunately I've yet to track down a photo. Technology." She sighs.

"This one looks similar though." I answer, picking one out the bunch.

"Ahh yes. That was taken in 1860." She smiles.

"1860.." I trail off looking at all the photos that she has managed to compile. "Have you done historian work before?"

"It's one of my hobbies. I like having an ongoing project, you know?"

"Mommy look. These people are catching crabs. Like us." Theo says, pointing to a photo.

I pick it up and look at the family, stood on the beach, clothes almost covering every inch of their skin. They had a few smaller children who were holding what looked like home made nets and holding their hands out. The photo is too old and dated to be able to tell what they had in their hands exactly, but I like Theo, imagine its little crabs.

"Oh yeah. I wonder if they caught as many as you though?" I answer making his eyes widen.

"I caught lots. Lots and lots."

"That you did buddy."

Brian then fills me in on the details of the house, showing me old deeds and owners throughout time, all set up in a family tree with dates of the years they occupied it.

For such an old house, there were many names to the list and he was proud to be the latest to go on there.

"The Steeles didn't have much luck whilst living here. In fact, I think it contributed to them leaving the premises." Julie says picking up where Brian had left off.

"How so?" I ask.

She looks at Theo before looking back at me. "A loss in a family echoes deep."

Getting the idea, I nod and we all swiftly move on. But I file that bit of information into the back of my head for later.

I also learn that throughout the history of the house they owned slaves before it changed hands and then being used to house slaves who had escaped. Julie informs me that due to the location, many got away on the beach and that there is a tunnel that leads from the basement all the way down to the beach.

From what I gather, the house has had many secrets over time and with secrets comes lies and deception.

"So, how long have you and Zak been an item?" Julie asks shuffling the photos into piles.

"Married almost 5 years?" I guess before smiling at Theo, who is a spitting image of Zak.

"And how is life with a celebrity? Must be difficult dealing with his fans.."

"Myself and Theo are not put in the spotlight like that. Zak keeps us separate from his work life." I answer carefully hoping they won't poke any further.

Married life with Zak is one thing, but being dragged by jealous fans who will want to pick apart our relationship, life and our son is another.

In my eyes, it's better that we are kept separate, it means we are both able to keep Theo safe...

I'm not sure how long we spend at the house in total, but when Theo announces he is hungry, I take it as my cue to thank Julie and Brian for inviting us into their home with plans on leaving. But just as we are getting up from the table, Theo picks up one of the photos.

"Mommy. Mommy, look at how funny you look!"

I frown and take the photo out of his hand. "That's not me, buddy. I'm old but not that ol-"

The words get caught in my throat as I stare at the photo, because looking back at me, is exactly what Theo says. An old version of myself, right down to the scar on my cheek.

Seeing that alone sends my blood cold.

"Oh my!" Julie gasps looking at it too.

"It's you, mommy!" Theo tells me, tugging on my arm to see the photo again.

I shake my head still trying to find the words when Brian speaks."Ah yes. Zak made that connection earlier."

I look at him. "Zak, saw this one?" I ask.

He nods. "Took a photo of it too. Funny world isn't it? They do say we have seven versions of ourselves."

My eye twitches. "Seven.."

The fear of this house that had been kept at bay all afternoon, hits me with force and I place the photo down onto the table before picking up Theo and putting him on my hip.

"I h- we have to go."

"Are you okay? You've gone awfully white." Julie says, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"F-fine. Tired, all the sea air, that's all. Thank you again for a lovely afternoon." I smile before hustling Theo and myself out the door.

I carry Theo on my hip like he is as light as a feather, right until we get outside the cottage door. My mind circulating with question and information that I don't hear him talking or hear his joy when he realises Zak is back.

It's only when I close the door and turn, that I see Zak stood at the dining table, paper scattered across it, whilst he gives Theo a hug.

Then he speaks. "I think you need to sit down..."

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