Chapter four

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A/N!! For some reason half of the last chapter did get deleted so if you have read this part u can just skip until ab half way thru it <3
"C'mon let's get you warmed up yeah?" A smile appears on my face as I take his hand, following him up the creaky steps. When we enter his room, funny enough it's cold. He takes some joggers out his drawers and hands them to me whilst taking a pair out for himself. He then leaves the room once more to let me get changed, pretending like he didn't just see me in my bra earlier.
"Okay I'm decent you can come back in now." I yell through the door. And so he does, this time he is changed now into some grey joggers and a random T-shirt.
"Okay darling, you must be hungry. Your favourite still burger and hoops?" A smile grows on my face. I love burgers and hoops.
Nodding he takes my hand and we go down to the kitchen where we start to make the food.

Not long later was the food made and we sit in the living room whilst watching tv to eat it. I rest my head on his shoulder and he looks down at me.
"I wish we could stay like this forever." I say before stuffing my face with food.
I was absolutely starving.
"Same. I never want you to leave. One day you will never have to because we will have our own little home with two little kids running about free in the garden in which you planted the most beautiful roses." My cheeks flush red as he says that, we have always dreamed of having a little cottage in the middle of no where with two little kids and the thought makes me feel warm.
"Yeah, I can't wait. But god you make the best burgers holy shit Atlas." He laughs at the sudden comment.
I really could stay like this forever.

It's time to go, school will almost be done and by the time I get home I would be just on time.
"Want me to walk you?" I shake my head standing up from the bed and walking over to the door, I didn't want my parents to see him as cruel as that sounds.
"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He smiles at me and gets up to follow me.
"Yeah, of course."

(Sorry for all the time skips here is where u can skip too if u read last chapter before it got deleted)

It was half an hour later did I return home.
"Aurora?" My heart sank, they didn't sound happy. I walk through the entry into the living room where I see my parents sitting on the couch.
I feel my dads eyes glare into my clothes.
Shit I forgot to change back.
"Aurora who's sweatpants are they?"
Lie, lie, lie.
"They are Libby's, we had Pe third period and I forgot my clothes."
My mother laughs.
"Well that's quite funny Aurora since your school phoned and said you didn't go into any of your classes today."
"So tell me again. Who's. Fucking. Sweatpants. Are they?" My dad slams his hand down on the table I'm front of him as he yells, making me flinch.
"Atlas'" I mutter.
"We taught you not to mumble, didn't we Aurora?" I want to roll my eyes but I hold back before repeating myself louder.
Fumes might have well sprouted out my dads ears as he stands up.
"Why were you in atlas's clothing Aurora? Yours is perfectly fine is it not?"
"We skipped school and went swimming."
They are going to kill me, Welp. Goodbye world.
"Phone, now." I don't bother answering back but instead give my mother the phone that sat peacefully in my pocket.
"Your not too see that boy anymore Aurora. I forbid it."
"You can't do that!" And without warning I feel my eyes begin to burn whilst my nose prickles.
No Aurora. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
"Aurora he is no good, you are no longer allowed to see him."
"Don't you know what love is dad? Don't you want me to live? To feel?" He rolls my eyes at my statement.
"Your sixteen years old Aurora! Your the one who doesn't know what love is. That boy is nothing more than a distraction. He's going to be a failure, and if you continue to see that boy your going to be more of a failure than you already are." He hisses. The words hurt. Failure.
"Honey..." my mom says, she too must have thought he went too far.
"No! I will not have my daughter date such a waste of space."
"Dad! I'm a fucking kid! I'm going to make mistakes, I'm going to fall I'm love. Your ruining the best times of my life. Maybe you're the failure, you definitely failed at being a loving d-" just then a sharp pain arose in my cheek, he had slapped me.
"Room, now."
He didn't have to ask me twice.

Dear diary,
I wanted to text him, tell him I was there and not ignoring him. Then again, he got me into this mess. That's the first time my dad has ever hit me. I don't think I can ever truly forgive him.

Tears drop onto the page, smudging some of the pen ink.

I don't know what to do, I love atlas, I truly do.
Today started off so good, how did it end up like this?
I want to leave this place, the walls in which were once filled with so much love now feel like a prison. We are turning into a broken home, it hurts. It truly fucking does.
Goodnight diary.

The bed in which I laid on didn't have its normal comfortable feel to it, instead it felt hard and rough. Although the mattress hadn't changed everything felt so...Different. Maybe it's just me. It probably is.
The tears won't stop, it's like they have a mind of their own.
One after another they fall, it stays like that for hours. Although soon enough the tiredness takes over and I fall asleep.

A/n (again)
Sorry I didn't upload yesterday! I really didn't have any motivation but it's currently 1:30 am and suddenly I feel like Shakespeare. I'm not sure if I'll have an upload tmr since I'm really busy but I will try!
Also, if u want please check out missyxx213 Story it's amazing! And idk why the writing has turned black but we will go with it. But yeah have a good night, remember to stay hydrated!

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