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tw: murder, death, suicide

How do you mourn over someone you've killed?

Simple, really. Tear yourself open, experience the four stages, push all of the thoughts to the back of your mind. It's easier, if you have magic, the simplicity fo the spell, obliviate.

Lorelei Ackroyd and Pansy Parkinson were bound to break, they weren't a stay-together-until-you're-old-and-frail type of couple, they weren't a forever thing.

Their love was something that'd slip right through your fingers without you even noticing. you'd try to grasp onto, but there'd be nothing left to do so. Their love was temporary.

Still, they ignored it, posing as if they'd be together forever.

Lorelei ignored it.

She grasped onto the remains, just before it was too late. And she pulled and pulled and pulled until everything came down on her.

After the last letter, grief. Fake grief, it was familiar to Lorelei. She'd gone through it before, but that time she didn't care.

Lorelei was thrown into denial. She denied it. But Pansy Parkinson was dead and she was the sole reason for it. That stung, an excruciating pain flowing through her veins in an instant.

Then came realization, a fight between her and herself. Pansy knew, but she went through with it anyway. She knew, so why didn't she run?

Last, anger. Hatred for not only herself, but Pansy as well. Lorelei hated her, she was terribly angry at her, the way Pansy made her feel. It was a feeling of love twisted into terrible lust. And it was Pansy's fault.

All those feelings paired with Lorelei slowly falling isane wasn't enough. Laughing through endless tears, curled up rocking back and forth, dreams so horrid you wake up in a pool of sweat, just wasn't enough.

She was being haunted by the 'mistakes' of her past. She told everyone her mum had fell, had drowned, but no, that wasn't the truth. Lorelei pushed her.

For fun at four years old. To see what it was like to watch the dark engulf someone's eyes, to watch someone struggle and fail at holding on to life.

Only to throw herself into a fake grief and watch her dad do the same. And without even thinking, she did it to the only person she had ever really loved.

The cause of three deaths weighed on her shoulders, and she couldn't handle it.

And then, after all of these terrible feelings, Pansy's letter. Pansy's last letter appeared. And Lorelei read it over and over again. Her eyes burned with salty tears and her hands clenched onto that peice of parchment so tight.

It was enough to send her off the edge.

She let go of the remains of 'life' she had. She finally stopped pulling.

She gave up.

What started as harmless love letters pasted upon kids ended in tragedy, in death because violent delights meet violent ends often.

They'd both received what they wanted, more or less.

Pansy Parkinson only wanted love, and she did get it, but death came knocking on her doorstep a little too soon because of it.

Lorelei Ackroyd wanted to watch the light and dark fight in someone's eyes again as they struggled to catch their last breaths, and she did, but ended up killing her lover instead.

Lorelei didn't deserve a happy ending, she deserved the greatest of suffering. Pansy, on the other hand did, but not everyone recieves the happy ending they deserve.

She was god until she wasn't. Playing with people like dolls didn't work so she killed them instead. She mourned over the ones she's lost like she hadn't been the cause. She was insane.


The End.


this book made me so fucking sad and for what? like it started out happy and soft but then shit, their relationship is going downhill, back up again, fuck i just killed off PANSY PARKINSON and now lorelei is dead too and i-

a rollercoaster of emotions but definitely a fun book to write!!

if you aren't understanding, which i'm sure will happen because i kinda rushed through the end, lorelei killed pansy, went insane, and killed herself. she also killed her mom, and was the cause of her fathers death??

told you she was a psycho bitch :))

this book DID NOT have a happy ending, i'm sorry but hope you enjoyed it either way, the writing in this is definitely some of my favorite work

that was dearest!

DEAREST, pansy parkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now