Chapter 1- Natural Deceiver

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As the bell rang, I made my way out the door. I was finally relieved to know that school had ended itself. But I guess I was born with bad luck cause, as the tip of my feet touched out that door, my teacher Ms. Harriet stopped me in my tracks. Her faint voice called out my name. "Juliet, remember that test we took on Tuesday? I have your test results right here!" That's when I started to groan. Every time I took a test it all went wrong. Either I skipped a question, left a page blank, or got all the questions wrong. I waited for Ms. Harriet to show me the results but before she did, she asked a simple question. "Would you like to see the results, dear?" I straightened my posture, ready for the worst. Kept my voice as straight as possible. "Sure." I answered back in a confident tone. "Come, dear. You can look take a look right here on your test score page." She waves a blue-inked paper in the air while motioning for me to come and get it. "Coming!" I said. As I walked to her desk I could imagine all the horrible possibilities of what lied on that test page. When I stopped at her desk, Ms. Harriet handed me the paper swamped in blue ink from the pen she uses for grading tests. "I'm very impressed at your improvement, miss Simmons! You've received an A-!" I froze. I couldn't believe myself or Ms. Harriet. I received an A for the first time in my life. I usually got an F no matter what subject it was in school. "Jeez... that's new. Thanks Ms. Harriet. I appreciate it." I said. "Ah, wait! Sorry Juliet, I got the wrong paper. Here's your paper." She handed me another test paper but this time it was completely swallowed up in blue. I gulped down my nervous jitters and clutched the blue paper in my hands. I let out a breath of air and inhale. I turned over the page and peeked at the score. Of course I already knew what would appear but, I acted as if I was about to cry so that Ms. Harriet could bump my grade up to a C or a decent grade. "Sorry for the inconvenience, dear." "It's okay Ms. Harriet. I'm used to it. I'll return it by tomorrow. Thanks anyways." "No problem, dear. Come by here again if you have anything to say." And with that said and done, I left the classroom. I heard whispers surrounding me. I already knew what they were talking about. I really didn't care about what they talked about at this point. Whenever I was in the hallways at school almost everyone was talking about me and my bad grades. They say I'm that type of student who doesn't wish to be born. Who does their choices on purpose. Who doesn't care. Who doesn't have weight hanging on their shoulders. But you know what? They're all wrong. I'm the exact opposite. I care about my grades, I worry about what happens to me, I want to make good choices, I appreciate that I've been born. And I do have weight hanging on my shoulders. It's just that... I'm just so stressed. At home my mother pressures me. I try everyday so hard at school to make friends. I try my best to meet up to people's expectations. I want to be that girl everyone appreciates. But I was born with bad luck. Everything I do goes wrong. So I gave up on the expectations. I changed who I was. But it didn't help. All it ever did was bring me trouble and it deceived people. Me changing who I was changed what people thought of me. I deceived everyone. I never meant to. And now since there's not enough work in my life, my mother is sending me to summer school. Before I knew it I walked my whole way home. I opened the door only to find my mother sitting on the floor reading. "Hello Juliet. How was your day?" My mother asked. "It was fine. Oh and mom.... I have a test for you to sign. Just tell me when you're done signing it so I can out it in my bag." I quickly handed the blue paper to my mother and ran up to my room. Before my mother could shout, I shut my door and laid down on my bed. But I already heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Juliet Simmons! You get out here and explain why you got such a low grade on your test again!!!!" This time I knew I wouldn't get away this easily. And I wouldn't be able to deceive my mom.

Waah! I hoped you liked this chapter! I know it's probably bad but I'll get better as I go along! Thanks for reading! ~Kurumi xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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