chapter 12: awake

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chapter 12:

Luffy stretched as he woke up, he looked over and saw Law still sleeping. He smiled and went back to cuddling. He didn't know if Law felt the same or if he's just being a good friend. Law is so book smart, yet he's so dumb sometimes.

He sighed and rested his head on Law's chest. Luffy listened to his heartbeat, it was soft like a melody and gentle like the wind. Luffy could be like this all day. He sat up and glanced at Law, he looked at his features.

His dark skin, his goatee, and sideburns, and his chiseled chin. Luffy blushed and got closer, Law's lips looked smooth yet rough. He wondered what it would be like kissing him, Luffy bit his lip and got in close.

Their lips brushed together, almost pressing until his phone rang. Luffy backed away, Law woke up. He groaned and sat up, Luffy blushed and stayed in place. Law grabbed his phone.

"Hello?" He asked groggy, "Oh, Dad..."

Luffy quietly played with his robe as Law talked on the phone. He was so close to kissing him. No, it's best if they didn't. That would be creepy if Luffy kissed him while he was asleep.

"Dad I know... yes... of course, I will." Law answered, "Okay then bye."

He hung up and Luffy sat beside him, "What was he saying?"

"Oh, he just found out I have a girlfriend," Law explained.

Luffy frowned, "Oh... you do?"

"Yeah, you." Law chuckled.

"Oh yeah!" Luffy then remembered they were faking a relationship.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" Law asked.

"Yep!" Luffy shot up.


Luffy was trying on some girl clothes his fans bought him. Sometimes he'd receive fanart, mail, or letters saying how great he is and how they love his channel. He'd even get free clothes, but it's not like he can wear this out with his friends.

He tried on this pink maid's outfit that had white kitty ears. It did suit him well, he twirled around while looking in the mirror. Maybe he should wear this next video. He played around with the lace and bow it had in the middle.

"Would Law like this?" He softly mumbled to himself.

He then blushed and looked at his feet, he wondered what it would be like actually dating Law. Would he buy him all this stuff? Would he take him out on dates? Would they get married?!

Luffy's face was bright red. How would Law act?

"Oh Law, you're the best boyfriend a boy could ever ask for!" Luffy acted.

"You're beautiful Luffy, I'm so happy to have you as my boyfriend!"

"Oh, darling! You're so generous!"

"No, you are!"

"No, you are!"

As Luffy talked to himself his phone rang. He picked it up, it was from the hospital. His blood went cold as his eyes widened. He began to tremble, was it good or bad? His mouth went dry as his shaking finger clicked the answer button.

"H-Hello?" His voice was trembling.

"It's your brother, Portgas D. Ace." The doctor said.

"Did something happen to him?!" Luffy panicked.

"No, he's awake."

Luffy dropped the phone, Ace was finally awake?! He smiled to himself, the biggest smile he has ever worn. Tears flowed down his cheeks as his body was shaking even more. He felt as if he was going to throw up, in a good way.

"I'll be there right away!"


Luffy ran down the hospital hallways. He didn't care about anything right now, his adrenaline was skyrocketing. He sprinted as he could, almost slipping he opened the hospital door.

There he was, Ace.

Luffy softly cried as he ran to his brother.

"Ace!" He hugged him.

"Luffy..." Ace dryly said, "You're here..."

Luffy smiled as he cried, Ace grinned a bit and held Luffy's hand. Luffy couldn't stop crying, the tears just kept coming. He climbed onto the bed and rested next to his brother, he laid his head on his chest. Ace chuckled and draped his arm around Luffy's shoulder, pulling him in close.

It was like when they were younger, Luffy would go to Ace's room when he was scared and snuggle close to him as Ace told him stories to calm him down. Luffy couldn't stop smiling, he cuddled close to his brother once more.

"I'm so glad you're awake!" Luffy sniffled.

"I missed you so much, Lu..." He chuckled, his voice dry.

"We have so much to catch up on." Luffy softly laughed.

"By the way Luffy..." Ace muttered, "Are you a girl now?"

Luffy shot up, he realized he was still in the pink maid's outfit a fan bought him. He blushed and discovered that everyone in the hospital saw him running down the hallways in a girly outfit. He hid his face in embarrassment.

Ace awkwardly said, "Hey, it's okay if you wanna change your gender. I'm not going to judge or anything. I know your like gay, but—"

"I swear I'm not trans!" Luffy cut him off, "This is how I earned money..."

"You're a stripper!" Ace shot up, but then coughed.

"Ace!" Luffy panicked and gave him a glass of water.

He gulped it down, "You're selling yourself to perverts?! I thought I raised you better!"

"What?!" Luffy blushed, "I swear I'm not! I'm a YouTuber..."

"Oh..." Ace softly said, "Then why are you dressed up as a girl?"

"I'm not a girl, my followers think I'm a girl. So I went along, now I'm kinda famous." Luffy shrugged.

"How long have I been out?! My little brother is now an online celebrity!" Ace freaked out.

"Calm down! You're going to pass out again if you keep panicking." Luffy sighed.

"Alright, alright... I'm calm." Ace sighed.

As they continued their conversation. Killer was filming the whole thing, he stopped recording and sent it to Eustass. He did feel a slight sense of guilt and sorrow for Luffy.

But if he doesn't send it Eustass would probably fire and kill him.


Law looked at Luffy's photos, he was adorable in all of them. The cute poses he would do and the kawaii outfits he would wear. He looked sexy in his gaming outfit, he would wear kitty headphones and giggle in his pink gaming chair.

Law might've been binge-watching Luffy's videos all day. Well, maybe he does have a small crush... He blushed but kept going. The way Luffy would laugh and his smile just made Law's mood go up.

"Alright gamers, it's time to play Bedwars! Let's hope I don't die this time." Luffy giggled and played with his controller.

His videos were addicting and fun to watch. Boys and girls both loved him, he can see why. He thought of all the dates he and Luffy can go on. Law would take him on a carriage around the park, he would take him out on a nice dinner, and they would star gaze to end it all off.

As he looked through his page, Eustass had posted.


Law's eyes widened, it was a video of Luffy saying he was a boy and the only reason why he's pretending to be a girl is to fool others.

Eustass, that fucking bastard...

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