chapter 8: stay with me

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chapter 8:
stay with me

They drove up to a cliff, it was by a beach. Underneath the cliff were waves that crashed against the rock. As they parked, Luffy looked around confused. Law smiled softly and helped him out of the car.

"Why are we here?" Luffy asked.

"We're here to heal." Law explained, "Shout."


"I said to shout," Law ordered.

"Uh... ah!" Luffy sarcastically screamed.

Law rolled his eyes, "Shout louder."

"Ahh!" Luffy screamed.

Law chuckled, "Good."

"What's the point of this?" Luffy asked crossing his arms.

"Confess your feelings, I do this all the time when I'm stressed. It really helps." Law smiled.

"So I'm supposed to tell my life problems to the ocean?" Luffy tilted his head.

"Yep." Law nodded, "I'll go first."

Law walked up to the cliff but still stayed a few feet away from it. He listened to the waves crashing, he breathed in the crisp air that smelled like salt. He let loose and took everything in. He let the wind breeze through his wavy black hair as it gently breezed over his white fur hat.

Luffy watched as he saw Law stand there. He was honestly astonished, he had never seen Law like that before. He looked peaceful. Usually, Law was more socially anxious and awkward. Never like this before...

Law breathed in and suddenly yelled, "I'm afraid my friend isn't living his best life!"

Then Luffy pouted, "Hey! I am living my best life!"

"Are you?" Law smirked.

Luffy frowned, "Shut up! You don't even know what it's like having so many damn jobs!"

"Then confess your anger." Law offered, "Don't worry, I'm not here to judge."

"Fine, if that makes you happy." Luffy rolled his eyes.

He walked up to the cliff, he tried doing the same thing as Law. He let the air soak him in, he listened closely to the waves. He tried letting everything go. All his desires, all of his pain, all of this tension he had.

Ace, his only brother. All those damn jobs he had to take up since he couldn't pay for bills. His brother needed him, he was attached to him. It was as if Luffy was chained up and Ace were the cuffs that connected him to the ground.

Luffy could never rise up, he could never leave because of Ace.

It was Ace's fault he got injured, it was his fault Luffy had to work his ass off every day. It was all his brother's fault for this damn life he had to live. Luffy wanted to be free, he wanted to swim up to the top and take a breath of fresh air. But he was simply chained down and left at the seafloor while everyone else gets to enjoy the surface.

He used to be so carefree when he was younger, hanging out with friends, living with his fun older brother. Now he's stuck like he's stuck on the same level in a video game. It was like a time loop, he had to live the day over and over again and it would never stop.

Instead of yelling, Luffy cried.

"I hate everything!" Luffy cried out, "I'm tired of everything! I'm tired of my damn jobs! I'm tired of staying in the same place! I'm tired of having to look like a fucking girl!"

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