The rescue

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Ahahaaa *bi finger guns*  ✨ mental health problems ✨ *more bi finger guns* (I was just diagnosed with cool guy syndrome ahaha and now I take... Adderall ahaha) ...I need to stop making references when I'm sad. Anyways, it is taking all of my willpower to write this sooo be glad?

**side note: when I feel sad, my writing gets sad. Good luck, poor readers.

Killua's POV

Killua wasn't sure what to say. He felt for this group of... broken kids, but that doesn't justify their actions.

Seriously, like, bro, the only backstory Killua will accept and put it as justifying their actions is if they just want a Wikipedia page. That's besides the point-

Maybe give them all some therapy and they might be on their way onto being 'good' citizens. Good doesn't exactly have an exact definition, so they won't be causing havoc is a better way to put it.

Kurogiri (got his name right) snapped Killua out of his thoughts, "I would like to speak to the kid... alone, please"

"Why?" Shigaraki asked.

"I have some news to deliver, but I need to do it alone"

And so, Killua was in a different room with... this guy.

"What," he snapped.

"Wouldn't you like to meet the person who you've been talking to?"

"You mean that annoying voice in my head?"

"...yes, that voice"

Killua was about to answer, when he felt familiar life forces. At this moment, his 'Killsaassy' switch flipped on. "I'll pass"

Almight busted through the door to the room where Killua was in and was about to follow him out of the room.

Killua didn't see anything hit him. He thought he was in the home stretch. About to go 'home'. He clutched his throat. He can't breath. Why can't he breath? He'll die at this rate.

He saw some sort of black goo. He wanted it off. He scraped but it did nothing.

In a matter of seconds, he was gone.

The villains reappeared in a place that Killua didn't recognize. He saw people talking, but he couldn't hear them. There was this unforgiving ringing in his ears. He tried to ask someone to speak up. Nothing left his mouth. Is this... fear?

No, can't be. Killua Zoldyck doesn't do the whole 'scared' thing. If he did, he would've died a long time ago.

'What is this feeling?'

He tried to suppress the scream threatening to escape from his lungs. He tried to deny it, but he was scared. He tried to reason with himself that this isn't a panic attack or anything of the sort.

Deep down, he knew what this was. It's how he felt when he first killed.

For some reason, he felt eyes on him. Not from the villains... from behind him. He whipped his head around, wanting to find the cause of this feeling. When he spotted...

"Gon" he whispered to himself.

Gon's POV right after Bisky left

Gon hated every bit of this. He trusted Bisky, but he wanted to be out there. Getting Killua. If he hadn't been so damn reckless-

It hit him. It hit him like a bus. The guilt. The regret.

He hadn't realized it before. The more he trusts Killua, the more reckless he's gotten. It's hurting Killua. How had he never noticed this before?

He knew how. His head was always going 100 miles an hour. He's never had time to take a breath. He's never been forced to take a breath after he started getting reckless.

Not to mention, Gon missed Killua. His best... is that how he felt? After all this time, is that truly how he felt? He's never been so close to someone. Was this a friendship that last a life time... or more than that?

It feels like every emotion he's been running from is hitting him like a bus. He feel guilty for hurting Killua all this time. He fears that he'll do it again. But, in all of this, he loves Killua. 

He started to get up. He grabbed some crutches and started to go out. If the 'team' is fighting, he'll be of no use. If the team plans on getting  him out without fighting, Killua won't accept the help. If Gon has learned anything about Killua it's that he likes to do things alone. He might not accept help from anyone else, not even Bisky.

Gon has been the only one to sway Killua through their friendship.

Before he knew it, he was outside. He managed to slip by through the back door.  He spotted a TV in a display window showing live where the villains and Killua were. He went as fast as he could with crutches, which is surprisingly fast.

Finally, he was there. He spotted... Bisky... in an e-girl outfit?

He went over and it took some persuasion, but he was in on the plan.

Killua's POV (present)

"Gon," he whispered.

He didn't quite know what was going on, but a wall of ice appeared. Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and Gon jumped through it.

Gon stuck his hand out and yelled, "Take my hand!"

Killua charged up Godspeed almost instantly he used it to bounce off of buildings and reach Gon. "You idiot, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be out of bed"

"Probably not. I couldn't stand- sit by," Gon admitted.


FINALLY DOOOONNNNEEEE!!!!!!! This took so much so much more time than I would've liked. I haven't had much motivation and have been trying to get a little done each day. Today, I have finally finished.

So, uh, yeah, *lenny face* Gon finally figured out his feelings. But has Killua?

He's also figured out that he's been hurting Killua, but that's not the point-

Anyways, as mentioned before, there probably won't be that much romance. No promises tho lol

Btw, I was in an all games DR panel as Kazuichi if y'all want to take a look

C'ya next chapter (or in the comments)

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