Chapter 1: The Diner

Start from the beginning

"I have to tend to agree." And they're probably going to kiss shortly. Kill me now for having to experience this over dinner, please.

"I certainly enjoy the company. But I have to ask the question, how much is he paying you?" Excuse me while I spit and spat out my dinner, pure choking fit – please don't draw attention, but did Ryan seriously ask that? I mean, she's a Hooters girl whose done commercials with him, but she's paid by the company. Is he seriously asking his girlfriend how much money she gets for their time together? Wait – I'm just confused. Is this really the dinner discussion I'm getting suckered into listening to.

"Ryan....." She doesn't sound upset or startled by his words. Maybe he's asked this before.

"I'm serious..." Are you really, man? There's no way....

"He told you not to worry..." Okay, so there is some payment involved here. What am I missing about Isabelle, Hooters, and Ryan? Is there some job on the side, or does he cover her work salary? That'd be a little strange, but I guess explainable.

"I know, but I care about you and want to make sure you're covered." There's that gross sweetness again.

"I'm far more than covered, and don't worry, you have nothing to worry about." So what does payment from Mr. Elliott entail for $100, Alex?

"I'm not worried. In fact, I wanted to make sure your time is worthwhile..." Seriously, what could Chase be paying her for? I mean, if they're talking about the promotional work, that should be coming out of the sponsor's pocket. Time being worthwhile is a phrase normally associated with one thing alone – and I couldn't imagine Chase banging Ryan's girlfriend for payment.

"What are you getting at?" I'm glad she's as confused as I am right now. Frankly, I still don't know why I am listening any longer as it's not nice to eves drop. Then again, I want to know what's going on here as this is giving me all the goosebumps, more so than normal with that boy.

"Can I tell you a secret? I was glad that this arrangement worked out because Isabelle, I really and truly like you." Wasn't that obvious based on the fact you're dating? And wait a minute – how does dating and payment work together? Please don't tell me Chase is paying her to be with him.


"No, I want you to truly listening to me. I really like you, a lot, almost to where I could call it love. There's days that I dream of what life we could have together. There's days that I wonder what your lips taste like, beyond the little nicks. I've never felt like this for a girl, but damn Isabelle, you make me feel something I can't explain." I'm beyond confused now. This sounds like first date material, not having been together awhile.

"Ryan, there's no way that we could do this, no matter what I feel." Wait a minute – you're dating, you're spending time together. Aren't you already past that stage?

"So you're admitting that you feel the same for me in return? I knew it by the look in those eyes. Damn Izzy, what's wrong with explor-" Am I the only one confused here? This feels so alternate weird universe. No wonder I can't make a relationship work because there's no way I'm following this conversation.

"I agreed to be with you for the sole purpose of looking the part, so that way you and Chase could do what you do in private. Even giving into those feelings a little would be betraying his trust and frankly, I can't do that to someone. I thought you loved and cared about him, Ryan." Woah..... Isabella and Ryan is just a ploy, because all those garage rumors are true and the pair are shacking together? That's why she's being paid by contract. Am I hearing this right?

"I do, but there's something about you that I feel different than him. All I'm asking is to entertain these feelings and see what they are. If we find out they're more than I think, then we'll tell him – together."

I'm glad there's a cold glass of water on the table as it slid down my throat faster than Chase was making it through the damn bus stop today. I feel like I got hit by a freight train and then some by the conversation that I somehow ended up overhearing.

Chase and Ryan were together. The rumors and chit chats around the garage about how much time they spend together are reality. Forget bromance, there was something else funky going on down there. It explained why Chase was in North Carolina for all those team meetings despite supposedly living in Georgia.

Ryan and Isabella were together by contract, paid to look the part and nothing more. I wonder how they got her to accept originally, or why she accepted. I wonder why they thought she was the right person as what if she spread the secret?

One thing – they were damn good at it – and I guess for good reason, considering the declaration of feelings for each other. Maybe that's why it worked, maybe she accepted in hopes of more, he asked in hopes of more.

Do I even know what I am saying or doing anymore?

"Earth to Bowman!" I hear shouted in my ear, ending that train of thoughts as a pair of eyes look straight into mine. "I asked you a damn question. What did you hear of my conversation with Isabelle?"

"I didn't hea-" I start, still not knowing what to think of everything to begin with. What was he doing in front of me, anyway?

"You asked out loud in your own trail of thoughts whether Isabella truly loved me or was in it just for the money – you said those words. Do you not remember saying those words?" Curse myself for always talking outloud while trying to run thoughts through my mind. CJ always told me that it'd bite me in the ass one day and here we are. Now what am I supposed to do?

"I may have overheard some of what you were saying, but you were after all being a little loud considering the context." Just imagine if some gossip paparazzi reporter or wrong fan heard this conversation. Could you see social media in a matter of hours?

"Well you're going to do one thing and one thing alone – do not speak of a word to anybody, not even Chase." Really, huh? That's interesting – but I'll save that for later.

"Nobody would believe me and besides, I don't hurt my friends." Those words were spoken purposely as I watch him walk out of the restaurant.

So he doesn't want Chase to know about the fact he discussed the contract in public. I get it, because that's supposed to be a big secret and nobody is supposed to know they're together ...... I could go on for days here.

But the real fact is he doesn't want Chase to know he spoke of feelings for Isabelle, possibly breaking the terms. He doesn't want Chase to know that there's more going on, hence my words I don't hurt my friends because I'd never go behind his back, or do anything that'd cause pain to Chase. That's not how I'd ever do things because as I said, there's something I can't describe that boy does to me.

Maybe nothing would come of the conversation. Maybe it was just a mere thoughts out in the open for both Ryan and Isabelle. Maybe they'd do the right thing and share their concerns. Maybe they'd drop the whole issue once they thought about it more.

But what if something happened? I don't know if I could live with myself in having not said a word to Chase and warned him what could happen. I know heartbreak, and I would never wish that on him.

What am I supposed to do now? 

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