thirty ♡

800 12 18

y/n pov:

we get to to the place where we were planning on meeting up and jack stops the car

"call me if anything okay?" he says as he pecks me

"i will" i flash a smile as i unbuckle my seatbelt and get off the car shutting the door behind me

i take a look at the place where we agreed to meet, it was called "haven city market" which was a food court that pretty much had a bunch of restaurants and places where you can eat

i take a deep breath in and began to walk inside the place

every step i took my heart kept racing a bit faster, i don't know why i feel so nervous kiara and scarlett are my best friends and i've known them for so long

it's probably because i'm a bit scared of telling them everything that has happened these past few months, not to mention i've almost been sexually assaulted not even a day ago

i start looking around, seeing tables full of people. until my eyes land on two girls sitting down sipping on boba drinks, it was them

i slowly walk my way over to them and they're eyes turn to me

"y/n oh my god!" scarlett says running up to me and wrapping me in a big hug, moments later kiara does the same and the three of us are standing there in a group hug. oh how i missed this

"we missed you so much" kiara says

"we got you boba, don't worry we still remember your favorite flavor you always used to get" scarlett smiles

"aww thank you guys" i smile at them

we all sit down and catch up on life, i started to explain everything that went down ever since my parents kicked me out

after i was done they both looked at me with sad expressions on their faces

"oh my... i don't even know what to say" kiara starts

"i'm so sorry you went through all that" scarlett replies getting up and giving me a hug

"yeah, i can't believe ethan turned out to be such an asshole. and the fact that he cheated on you while pregnant and almost tried to sexually assault you! i literally want to break his face and feed him to the allegators!" kiara replies

"i never trusted him, he's always had a weird vibe" scarlett says

"i mean he was quiet when we met and so... humble i never thought he would go that far"

- flash back 2 years ago -

"look, there he is" kiara looks at me and smirks as the boy i was crushing on for a while now passed us and flashed me a smile

oh my he was just too perfect

"don't drool too soon, come on we're gonna be late to our fourth period" scarlett grabs my hand and pulls me away

- after class -

i was picking up my books and heading out from class for lunch until i felt someone grab my hand

i turn around and see him standing there

"hey ethan" i smile

"come with me?" he says

i nod and he takes me to the back of the school where the teacher parking lot is at

"why'd you bring me he-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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