"Tell me Buck. Do you know anything about art besides the basics?" she said with a raised eyebrow.


"Do you know what a medium is?" she asked going back to her painting with a grin.

"Is that a certain shade of a color?" he said with hope in his voice, but also laced with uncertainty.

"Ha, no," she laughed. "It's whatever materials you use to make a piece. Like watercolor, sculpting, oil pastels, yada, yada, yada. What about pointillism? Still life? Fauvism? Neoclassical? Organic art? Persona of a piece? You know that stuff?"

"Well, no," he mumbled. She gave him a smile before going back to her work. "But I don't need to know those things to know you're amazing at what you do and what you've made," he argued, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He laid his head on her shoulder and she moved hers to rest on his. They both were looking at her painting now and analyzing it. More her than him. "You can't be your own critic Y/N. If that were the case for every artist, there would be no art in this world. No one likes their own work as much as the people of the world do."

She took that in and let out a big breath before turning her head the other way to view her piece at another angle.

"I guess you're right. I did say I needed to do what I love and I do love doing this. But there's no point of me spending time on it if I don't take the next step."

"There you go," he nodded. She turned looking at him with a soft smile. "If I need to I can get Steve to come and tell you how good it is. He knows what all those words that you just said mean and he also agrees with me."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it," she laughed, rolling her head back. Then she turned and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Hmmm. What do I have to do to get more of that?" he hummed in delight of the gesture, moving in for a second one.

"Keep sweet talking me and you can have all the kisses you want," she smiled, giving him what he was wanting.

"Gladly," he hummed, turning it into a sweet make out session. "Sweetheart," he pulled away once they needed to catch their breaths.

"Huh?" she hummed, filled with a light feeling through her body on cloud nine.

"I really need to take you on a first date," he smiled, emphasizing on how bad he wanted to take her.

"You really do," she nodded, returning the same smile. They moved to where their foreheads were on the other.

"How about I take off tomorrow and we do tomorrow night? That way we can get an early start to the date."

"I can't ask you to do that. We've been holding it off because your work has been so crazy lately. I know you're tired too, and-"

"You're not asking me to do it. I'm telling you I'm doing it," he said with a smirk, pulling back to see her. "Things have slowed down as of today. I'll be fine taking off tomorrow. That way I can get everything ready too."

"It is Friday, so I'll be home earlier also..." she thought about it.

"So what I'm hearing is, yes?" he said squeezing her closer again.

She gave him an unsure look, and when he wouldn't give up making those blue eyes so sappy and puppy like, she gave in.

"Ok! We can do it tomorrow. Only if you're a hundred percent sure you're ok with it."

"I'm 110% ok with it," he nodded quickly. "I'm going to take a quick shower and then I'll be ready for bed. You almost done here?" he said going in, giving her a kiss and walking to the door.

"Yeah, I'll be done by the time you're out. Oh! Can we finish that Superstore episode?" she said all excited right when he reached the door frame.

"I can't believe how fast you got hooked on that show," he laughed. "Of course, sugar. Whatever you want."

She smiled at him and wrinkled her nose before going back to her painting. Almost instantly shutting out the world as she concentrated.

And there it was. Bucky knew he loved her. He knew the minute he shouted it all in one breath while confessing his feelings about her to Steve a while back. But somehow she managed to make that love grow with little actions and simple looks she made.

This one for instant. The sun was setting in the background where she was. Perfectly behind her to look as if she were an angelic creature giving off rays of sun herself.

Heliophilia? That's the word Steve used right? The attraction to sunlight.

Well, that's what she was. She was proving it right there. If anything, the sun was attracted to her. It was glowing and surrounding her with warm oranges and pinks as if trying to hug her with each color on the spectrum.

Bucky couldn't help but pull his phone out silently, and without her noticing, he snapped a picture of her. The light was just right to darken everything out but her looking at her canvas, and the rays behind her lightening her up in the room.

She might not have taken herself seriously as an artist, but Bucky saw her as a walking piece of art herself.

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