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I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling

"Why hasn't Mattia came to see me this isn't like him at all he told me to trust him"
I whispered to myself

I sit up and hug myself
"Should I really be trusting him"

Mattia's Pov
I sit at the end of my bed

I sigh and reach out for my phone and make my way to my gallery and look at pictures of me and Angely when we were in bed and her kissing me I feel my eyes start to burn and I turn my phone off and throw it across my bed and fall on my back on the bed



I look up at him and he looked at me

"No thank u?"

I carelessly

He sighs and sits next to me in my bed and I look at him confused

"Angely I know u don't like me but I'm trying ok I'm not Mattia ok u need to get that through your head the hard way if you not getting the fact that I'm not Mattia and I'll never be I'm not gonna be doing stuff like he does I don't think like him I'm Trevor not Mattia he gone mattia is gone he can't take care of you! I'm the one not giving up on you I'm taking a risk trying to help you!"

I sigh

"Get out"


"I said to get out!"

"Are you being serious right now Angely com-"

"No who do you think you are bringing Mattia up you don't even know him stay out of my fucking business Trevor when the fuck are u gonna learn to do that!"

"When are you gonna learn that Mattia is gone!"

I got up from my bed about to slap him

When I hear a buzz

"I'm sorry"
He says

I look at him and roll my eyes and I feel my eyes start to burn and I see two buff guards come in and see Trevor walking out one of the guards come in and walk behind me and put my hands behind my back


The other guard hand him the cuffs

And he put the handcuffs on very tightly and the other guard walks me out my room and we go to the elevator and go to the first floor

He pushes me out the elevator and I see everyone talking and looking at me and then I saw these eyes I recognized "Mattia"
I look him up and down and roll my eyes at him I see him talking to jack the boss but jack tells him something which makes him hesitate the guard yells

"Key to the special floor" he say which a chuckle

I look and see mattia

"Mattia come on let's go!"
Jack pulls him away

Mattia's Pov
"Jack don't u see what they are doing to her!"

"They are just doing their job"

"Why does she have to go please ask them jack please!"

"Oh god!"


"Leave the girl alone and go to my office so we can talk for a sec"

I run to Angely as I see the guards walking away with jack

"Are u ok"

"Why,not even why how do u have the fucking audacity to even fucking ask that u really do have some balls don't you,do I look like I'm okay to to you! Does any of this look okay to you!and you know what's funny?"


"The only reason this only happened was because of you because I decided to defend you and be on your side that u wouldn't just leave me and I should just at least have a little of fucking trust with you but u know where that trust went it went down the fucking drain because I will never ever fucking trust you"
She painlessly chuckles as I see a tear slide down her face

"You should be mad u know what u should fucking hate me and if you don't already do but all I want you to know is that it's gonna pay off and that this is all for you"

I look at those beautiful hazel eyes that used to have that sparkle now they are just dark no excitement just pure darkness

I turn around and walk away

"What do you mean this is for m-"

I hear her voice get more quiet the more I walk and I sigh

A/n decided to make this a bit long tell me what y'all think about it

Slowly saving me//Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now