Part 10

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When Hobi fainted Alpha Jung and Yoongi ran toward him , Alpha Jung scooped him up on his arms and went inside Min's castle , Yoongi followed him and ordered the guards to call the doctor ,

Alpha Jung put Hobi in Yoongi's bed and covered him with blanket Yoongi sat beside Hobi , then after a minute a knock was heard on the door , they looked at that direction and saw the doctor standing there ,

' Come in ' Yoongi said ,

The doctor came inside and started checking Hobi ,

' Is he alright doctor ' Both Alpha Jung and Yoongi asked ,

' He is alright Head Alpha Jung and Prince , he fainted because he got exhausted due to crying ' Doctor said ,

' Ok doctor you can leave now ' Yoongi said ,

The doctor bowed and left the room ,  Alpha Jung took a chair and sat beside the bed looking at his fainted son ,

' What now Yoongi , you have to take your fathers place and become your clan new Head Alpha ' Alpha Jung said ,

' I know Appa , father had been training me to become a Head Alpha since I was three years old , but still I need someone to guide me properly , will you help me Appa ' Yoongi asked stroking Hobi's hair ,

' You know I can do anything for both of you , you don't have to ask , you are very smart Yoongi , Alpha Min had been telling me all about your progress and I am proud that you don't need much to learn , I will become your mentor and help you in any way possible ' Alpha Jung said ,

' First we have to do your coronation ceremony tomorrow so other clan couldn't challenge Min clan because there is no Head Alpha , you have to become strong mentally and physically to run a clan , I will tell you every tactic to become a good Head Alpha ' Alpha Jung said ,

' Ok Appa ' Yoongi said ,

' By the way have you decided when you are going to marry Hobi ' Alpha Jung asked ,

' I don't know Appa , when the right time comes I will tell you ' Yoongi said ,

Alpha Jung nooded ,

' Now rest Yoongi , tomorrow is a very big day for you , I will prepare everything for the ceremony you don't have to worry ' Alpha Jung said ,

Yoongi nodded and layed beside Hobi and went to sleep , Alpha Jung then went to prepare everything for the ceremony , he ordered everyone to do their duties properly and also ordered to announce in the clan that Prince Yoongi's coronation ceremony will be held tomorrow , he told the other clan leaders to stay till tomorrow so they can also see the coronation ceremony ,

Alpha Jung plan was to show everyone that Min clan has a new powerful Head Alpha so other clan don't think about attacking Min clan ,

Hobi was in his dreamland playing with bunnies when his dream changed , now he is laying his head in someone's lap and his eyes are closed , the person started stroking his hair and cherishing his cheeks ,

' Hobi open your eyes ' the person said ,

' The voice seems familiar ' Hobi thought and opened his eyes , he widened his eyes seeing Luna Min , he sat up and hugged her ,

' Mother why you left us , I miss you so much ' Hobi said with tear filled eyes , she hugged him back ,

' Sorry Hobi but this is our destiny  and we can't change it ' she said moving Hobi's face toward herself and wiping his tears ,

' Don't cry Hobi , you still have your Appa and Yoongi ' she said kissing his cheeks ,

' But I want you too ' Hobi said pouting ,

' who want my wife ' A Male voice asked for behind , Hobi knew who it was ,

' Father ' he said and hugged Alpha Min smiling ,

' Look Father Mother is saying she will not come with me ' Hobi said ,

' Hobi do you want me to be here alone ' Alpha Min asked ,

' No , father you will also come with us ' Hobi said ,

Alpha Min then sat beside Luna Min and made Hobi to sit infront of them and both holded Hobi's hand ,

' Listen Hobi we can't come back with you ' Alpha Min said ,

' But why ' Hobi asked ,

' Look Hobi we are dead , everyone has to leave one day , we are not gonna live forever , we are here to say our last goodbye ' Alpha Min said ,

' Besides we are always with you ' Luna Min said pointing at Hobi's chest ,

' Inside your heart Hobi ' Luna Min again said ,

' Really ' Hobi asked ,

' Yes our precious angel ' Alpha Min said and then both hugged Hobi , Hobi was very happy seeing Alpha Min and Luna Min for the last time ,

In Yoongi's dream , he was  playing with Hobi , then he felt a tap in his shoulder , when he looked behind he saw his mother and father  , he then hugged them ,

' Mother father you came back ' Yoongi said sobbing ,

' We are here to say our last goodbye dear ' Luna Min said ,

' But why can't you stay ' Yoongi asked ,

' You know son we can't stay ' Alpha Min said ,

' Then take me with you ' Yoongi said ,

' Don't say such things son , beside you have Hobi with you and a whole clan to run , you have to take care of him and the clan ' Luna Min said ,

Yoongi nodded and again hugged them closing his eyes ,

Then he felt someone shaking him and calling him , he groaned and opened his eyes , he saw Hobi shaking him ,

' Hyung wake up ' Hobi said ,

He sat up on the bed ,

' What happened Hobi , why you wake me up ' Yoongi asked ,

' Hyung I saw Mother and Father ' Hobi said ,

' Where ' He asked ,

' In my dream Hyung , they said they came to say their last goodbye ' Hobi said ,

' They also came in my dream Hobi to say goodbye ' Yoongi said ,

' They also said they are inside me ' Hobi said pointing at his chest ,

' In your chest ' Yoongi asked making a confused face ,

' No silly Hyung inside my heart ' Hobi said smiling ,

' I am very happy Hyung , they came in our dreams to meet us ' Hobi said hugging Yoongi making him smile ,

' I am also happy Hobi , I am also happy ' Yoongi said hugging back ,

Then Alpha Jung came inside the room , Hobi ran to him and hugged him ,

' Appa you know Mother and Father came in mine and Yoon Yoon hyung dream to meet is for the last time ' Hobi said loudly ,

' That's a good sign baby , this means they gave both of you their blessings ' Alpha Jung said smiling ,

' So I came here to tell you  both to dress up for the coronation ceremony ' Alpha Jung said ,

' Who is getting crowned Appa ' Hobi asked ,

' Your Yoon Yoon Hyung baby ' Alpha Jung said ,

' Congratulations Hyung ' Hobi said going to Yoongi and hugging him ,

' Thankyou my hope my sunshine ' Yoongi said giving Hobi a peck on his lips .

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