Part 9

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Alpha Jung and Hobi were having breakfast when a maid came running toward them ,

' Head Alpha a knight has came with fainted Prince Yoongi in his arms both are injured severely ' she said panting ,

Alpha Jung immediately left the food and went to the front door , Hobi also followed his father , when they reached there , they saw the knight was holding Yoongi ,

' Call the doctors quickly and send them to my room ' Alpha Jung ordered the guards ,

Then he took fainted Yoongi from the knight and gasped seeing the cut in his right eye , the knight followed them limping , he then took Yoongi to his room and placed him on his bed , Hobi also sat beside Yoongi and hold his hand with tear filled eyes , Alpha Jung then gave a chair to the knight to sit , soon two doctors arrived , one doctor started patching up the knight's wounded leg and the other one started examining and patching up Yoongi's wound , after some time they were done ,

' How's Yoongi doctor ' Alpha Jung asked ,

' It is a miracle Head Alpha that his eye is not hurt , if the sword had gone a little more deep then he would have lost his eye , the injure would leave a scar , he is alright , he just needs some rest and his bandages should be changed daily so his wound would not get infected ' The doctor said ,

Alpha Jung went infront of the Knight and the doctor ,

' Is there any serious injury doctor ' Alpha Jung asked ,

' No Head Alpha , he just needs rest , daily checkup and bandage changed till he fully recovers ' The doctor said completing his work ,

Both the doctors then took their leave , Hobi was still beside Yoongi holding his hand ,

' Appa is Yoon Yoon hyung alright ' Hobi said sobbing ,

' He is alright baby don't cry ' Alpha Jung said wiping Hobi's tears and kissing his forehead ,

He then went toward the knight,

' Let me show your room ' Alpha Jung said ,

He ordered the guards to help the Knight , when they reached the room , the guards helped the knight to change the clothes and carefully laid him on the bed then left the room , Alpha Jung took a chair and sat beside the bed ,

' Tell me what happened ' Alpha Jung asked ,

' When we crossed your clan border, a group of masked persons attacked us , they started killing our mens , we tried to fight back but they outnumbered us , they killed Head Alpha and Luna , they tried to kill Prince too but we escaped ' The knight said crying ,

' Don't cry , you did a great job of saving your Prince , now rest ' Alpha Jung said and left the room ,

Alpha Jung went back to his to check Yoongi , when he entered the room he saw Hobi sleeping holding Yoongi's hand , Hobi still had tears on his cheeks , Alpha Jung wiped his tears and kissed his cheeks , Alpha Jung also kissed Yoongi's forehead and covered both of them with blanket , then he left the room ,

' Call everyone , there would be an emergency meeting within five minutes ' Alpha Jung said and went to the throne room ,

In five minutes everyone gathered in the throne room ,

' So we are having this emergency meeting because Head Alpha Min got attacked when they crossed our borders ' Alpha Jung said ,

' Are they alright ' General asked ,

' Sadly they are dead only Prince Yoongi and a knight survived ' Alpha Jung said ,

Everyone started gossiping ,

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