<The vanishing of Will Byers>

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Will, Mike, Lucas, Dustin and of course, Y/n where all sitting down surrounding a table filled with game peices. The faint, annoying sound of sprinklers could be heard in the backround. "Something is coming..... Something hungry for blood...." Mike lowly says. "A shadow grows in the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness." Mike continues as Dustin wipes his nose. "It is almost here..." "What is it?" Will speaks up. "What if it's the demogorgon?" Dustin questions. Will groans as I giggle. I highly doubt it would be, but theres a chance. "Oh Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon." He continues and he puts his hands on his face. "It's not the Demogorgon!" Lucas says, to which I agree to. "I don't think it is either, but we have to be on guard. It could be-" I get cut off. "An army of Troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike yells. "Troglodytes?" Dustin giggles. "Told ya." Lucas chuckles back. we all let out a set of laughter. Relived laughter. It was the Demogorgon it would NOT have been good. We all quiet down when Mike starts to speak up again. "Wait a minute... Did you hear that? That... that sound?" When Mike gets this intense you know something bad is coming. "Oh, shit." I whisper out, leaning on the back of my chair. "Boom...Boom...BOOM!" Mike yells out the last 'boom' making us jump as he slams his hands on the table. "That didn't come from the Troglodytes, no that....that came from something else. " Will, Dustin, Lucas and me all look at eachother unknowingly and nervous. "The demogorgon!" Mike yells as he slams the 'demogorgon' peice down on the table. We all groan. "We're in deep shit!" Dustin booms. "Will! Your action?" Mike looks to the boy in question. "I don't know!" Will says. "Fireball him!" Lucas anounces. "I'd have to roll 13 or higher!" Will leans towards the table. "Too risky." I say looking towards Dustin. "Cast a protection spell." He adds to my comment. "Don't be a pussy. Fireball him!" I punch Lucas lightly in the shoulder. I don't really like the term 'pussy'. "Cast. Protection." I say.

"The demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you... BOOM! BOOM!"

"Fireball him!"

"Another stomp, BOOM!"



All of our voices clammer together until I hear "FIREBALL!" Yelled by Will. Will quickly rolls until the dice fall of the table. "Shit!" I exclaim and look at the ground. "Where'd it go?" Lucas yells in question. I can hear several chairs being pushed by the boys getting up to search. "I don't know!" Will responds to Lucas. "Is it over thirteen!?" Dustin asks. "I don't know!" Will yells, again. "Where could it have gone?!" I yell. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." I hear Dustin ramble.  "MIKE!" I hear Mike's mom yell from upstairs. Shit. "Can you find it yet?!" I overhear Lucas ask. "MIKE!" Karen yells again. Aparently i'm the only one listening to her. She walks towards the basement door and swings it open. "No I can't find it!" "Oh, my god." "Mike!" She yells, once again as I start to pack up my things. I know she won't let us stay much longer, if at all. "Mom! We're in the middle of a campaign!" Mike argues. "You mean the end? fifteen after." She says pointing to her wrist. "Oh, my god! Freaking idiot!" Lucas scolds. "Wait do we have to go?" I hear Will ask Mike, who is currently running up the stairs towards his mom. "Mom wait! Just 20 more minutes!" I hear his voice fade off. "Oh, I found it!" Will exclaims. "What was it?" I question as Lucas comes over to me and Will. "Does a 7 count?" He asks. "It was a 7?!" Lucas questions. "Did Mike see it?" I shake my head. "Then it deosn't count." He lowly says as he puts on his jacket. I walk back over to Dustin who is picking up a pizza box. "Does anyone want the last slice?" He asks. "No." We all respond as Will and Lucas run up the stairs. "We could see if Nancy wants it." I shrug.

Me and Dustin run up the stairs and wind through Mike's house. Until we get to Nancy's door. It was already open. We peer into her room and see that she is talking to someone on the phone. "Yeah he's cute... Barb, no I don't think so. "Dustin waves at her. "Barb you're not-" "Hey Nancy!" I say. She glances at me and Dustin and sighs. "Want the last slice? Sausage and pepperoni!" He opens the box. She gets up and walks towards us which makes Dustin have a grin. She then closes the door on our faces. I groan and pull Dustin back down the stairs. When we exit the front door Dustin walks towards Mike. "There's something wrong with your sister. He states leaving me chuckling. "What are you talking about?" Mike asks him. "She's got a stick up her butt." He answers. "Yeah, it's cause she's dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." Lucas responds. "She's turning into a real jerk." Dustin agrees. "Guys, she's a girl teenager. They're grumpy." I laugh. "Okay but she doesn't have to be so rude." Lucas says which I can't argue. "Guys, she's always been a jerk!" Mike says. "Nuh-uh, she used to be cool." Dustin argues. "Now that's true." I agree. "Remember she dressed up as an elf for that one campaign of ours." Dustin pointed out as he gets on his bike. "That was four years ago!" Mike has to yell since he's already off the driveway. "Just sayin." Dustin responds. Once they were riding off I turned to Mike and Will. "It was a 7." I smile. "Huh?" Mike questions. "The roll it was a 7."

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