Chapter 1 - Chance's Backstory

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a/n: this journal is in chance's pov, so please bear that in mind when reading. thanks, hope you enjoy! 🐍


Dear Diary,

It was 5am. I woke up an uncertain wave of anxiousness, as I covered myself with my weighted blanket. Just trying to get some more sleep. Nope, that didn't work. This is the second time that that happened this week, and I literally have no idea what is happening. Fucking hell. Since I couldn't sleep anyways, I took out my camera from the bottom drawer. It was a Canon 5D Mark III. I was incredibly lucky to have parents who funded my interest in photography. As I looked outside, I saw a sunset, and it shone with such warm tones of orange and yellow. The sun radiated a pleasant yellow, like an extremely huge egg yolk in the sky. I smiled. There was some reason that fate woke me up this early in the first place. I decided to get some shots of this amazing view, and I looked at it on the screen of the camera. Spectacular. The yellow shined just the way I expected, and the light shone on a flock of birds, which just happened to fly by. That was my favourite shot by far. I continued to take more photos. As I was very happy with the result of those photos, I started to get my photo printer out. So I put the memory card into the photo printer, and pressed a few buttons. The photos started printing, they looked so spectacular, and the colors looked exactly like the sky shone. Perfect. That was exactly what I needed. The high resolution on those photos shocked me so much, and they looked amazing. I stuck them onto my wall. Something about the layout and aesthetic made me go onto cloud nine. However, it was already 5:30am at this point, and I decided to go back into bed, so I slumped back into my covers. It was more cozy and warm there, and it felt like something familiar. It felt like home.

Then came the dreaded 6am. Time for living hell. School. After half an hour in my covers, I inherently decided to finally come out of them. Even though that was my safe space, I couldn't stay there forever. Gotta try something new again. Every day. I went to the bathroom, and I started getting ready. After that, I put my headphones in. Why, you might ask? I'll tell you. I have a sibling. A baby sister, to be exact. She's 13, and I'm 17. Usually, I would ask her to leave, and the only thing she'll do is fuck with me. She'd ruffle my hair as I'd try to comb it, and I would look at her in annoyance. Then, she'd say, "Love you bro." Haha sis, leave me alone. As I head down the stairway to the kitchen, she tussles my hair again, takes off my earphones, and screams in my ears. "IT'S HALLOWEEN TODAY BRO." Ugh. My sister just flat out annoys me all the time. I then decided to ignore her, so I put on my favourite Waylon Jennings song and sang along. His voice was so smooth, and deep. He had that classic country sound that I just adored. Just last year, he played in the Ryman, and the song Shakin' the Blues was just so classic. Being a baritone in the school choir, he was just my idol. Along with Merle Haggards. Their sound is just so classic and their voices work so well with their band, and they sound so in harmony.

I continued to immerse myself in their music, closing my eyes and singing along. Heather, my 'wonderful' sister walked up to me, taunted and mimicked me, as she walked to her seat on the dining table and sat down. I rolled my eyes, stuck my middle finger at her and continued on with my breakfast. She made a funny face, and my mom came in to see what was happening. "ADAM! HEATHER! WHAT IN TARNATION ARE Y'ALL DOING?" If you don't know my mom by now, she is this woman who has grown up in the country her whole life, and she was the only person taking care of us in the morning. Dad decides to be a little lazy on most days, and sleeps in. No fair. As I finished up my breakfast, which was the most amazing PB&J, we rushed out, and mom drove us out of those country roads and into the main street, which took almost 15 minutes.

We arrived at the main road, and it was time to get off and walk a bit to the bus station. Heather hugged and kissed mom, as I stood on the side awkwardly waiting. We both said bye to mom, and she  drove off. I teased her for being momma's girl and how she was kissing mom, and she slapped me on my shoulder, jokingly of course. "CHANCE! HAHAHA, STOP!" She started tickling me, and I laughed. I proceeded to say, in between laughter, "Okay, okay, I'll stop." We walked to the bus station, joking and laughing the whole time.

All Will Be FoundNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ