best hair oils

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castor oil
use: massage castor oil on your scalp, leave it on for 30 minutes or overnight.
benefits: boosts hair growth, repairs damaged hair, treats thinning hair, promotes a healthy scalp

black seed oil
use: blend the oil with essential oils or simply massage it on your scalp. leave it on for an hour before you wash it out.
benefits: thicker hair growth, stops hair fall, treats premature graying, promotes healthy hair

coconut oil
use: add coconut oil to a spray bottle with water and mist it on your hair or add the oil to your shampoo.
benefits: healthy hair growth, treats dry, frizzy hair, deeply conditions, gives you smooth, shiny hair, moisturizes

amla oil
use: add a few drops to your hair conditioner to increase shine. use it in a hot oil treatment.
benefits: faster hair growth, promotes a healthy scalp, adds shine to your hair, stops hair fall and thinning hair

argan oil
use: smooth a small amount on your hair after washing your hair, blow dry and style as usual.
benefits: stronger hair, nourishes and conditions, gives you smooth, shiny hair, detangles hair

olive oil
use: warm some olive oil and put in on your hair. rinse off after 30 minutes. add a few drops of essential oil for added benefits.
benefits: gives soft and shiny hair, treats rough, dry hair, softens frizzy hair, treats split ends

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