your heart measured in mountains

862 55 6

blurb: brett and eddy bring a baby to a twoset apparel workday. rainbows and heart-eyes ensue.

→ kid!fic + family feels

warnings: none

title from life by sleeping at last.

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". . . and we need to incorporate these elements in our next ad, yeah?"

There's a chorus of agreement in response. Still, seated near the back where he's situated himself, Eddy can clearly hear the thin thread of distraction weaving its way through the crowd scattered about the makeshift conference room that was once their apartment's living room, an hour ago.

Brett's not noticing it, or perhaps just choosing to ignore it, because hello, work to do. He's still chattering away, free hand fluttering in the air like a butterfly as he explains and expounds what he wants done concerning the new TwoSet Apparel promotional. Eddy can tell everyone's trying their best to focus solely on the words he's saying, but it's a lost cause. Not that any of it is his fault, not at all—it's just that the thing his other hand is occupied with absolutely steals the show without any effort, really.

The baby carrier strapped to his chest. Or maybe it's the dark-haired baby staring wide-eyed at her father as he continues to conduct this meeting.

Oh, who's he kidding? Of course it's the baby.

Eddy's entirely infatuated with man and child both, if no one's been able to tell yet.

Just because they've got a baby now, he's been told in no uncertain terms, doesn't mean Brett's going to just stop working, because frankly, that would be ridiculous. And it's not like Eddy's going to stop working too—they love their profession and their projects too much, thriving in the thick of things, in filming sessions and merch photoshoots and the hectic pace of a Youtuber's creative workload, and so they'd decided: no. No, they'll have to bring their daughter into their world and learn how to reconcile the two in a way that brings happiness for everyone involved.

And so: this strange tableau had come about. Surprisingly enough—or perhaps unsurprisingly, given almost everyone's inclination towards tiny humans—it seems to be working wonders for company morale. The only downside is how distracted people can get when faced with a gorgeous baby girl strangely enraptured by her father's—and their employer's—shop talk.


He startles, body lifting off the seat for a second before he realizes it's just Brett calling on him. But then he can't decide if that's a calming fact. "Yes, dear."

Brett stares at him with great patience. Patiently waiting. "Do you wanna add anything to what I just said?"

"No, dear."

Brett pins him with a look that screams I know you didn't hear a word I just said and we will have words about it later. Eddy gulps in mild terror. "Okay, let's break into our respective teams and check back over the revised plan in half an hour," Brett turns to address the room. "Guys, let's be serious for now so we can—"

The baby yawns. The chorus altogether say aww! At least two people are misty-eyed over the sight of this clock-stopping phenomenon.

Eddy may or may not be crying rainbows in the background, but no one's really paying any attention to him anyway, so.

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