The Start

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Wednesday, June 2nd
On my way home from school

I sit down on the leather bus seat pulling my phone out of my hoodie pocket. I set my phone down beside me and opened my front backpack pocket to get my headphones out. My white headphones slither out through a small slit in the zipper. I look around and plug my headphones in and play some music putting it at full volume.  As I look out the window I feel the left side of my seat sink down. Beside me sits a brunette, soft, brown eyed boy I've never seen before.

"Hello?" I whisper with a confused gaze in my eyes. I avoided his eyes, I was looking at his shoulder area. He noticed the confusion in my eyes and quickly explained who he was.

"Oh! Um- hi. I'm, uh- I'm Peter, Peter Parker," He scratched the back of his neck, "I see you in the hallways" He paused before his eyes widening, "But not in like a stalker way because, I'm not a stalker I just ment I saw you walking alone and so I thought you could use a friend!" he spoke so fast it made my head spin.

"Oh, um..Hi Peter, I'm Y/N Y/L/N" I put my phone away. We looked at each other awkwardly till we noticed the bus stopped. We stood up to see a group of dressed up "super heros" fighting some person.

"Excuse me, I, uh, gotta find my friend, I'll, uh, talk to you another time..Bye!" He must of said something to his one friend because he stood up and started to distract the every other kid on the bus. Besides me. I watched Peter open and climb out of the window and web away. I watched in awe. Peter Parker was spiderman.

"I can't believe it," I snickered to myself before making the decision to help out the people fighting. I bent over so no one saw me and shape shifted into a small fly and went out the window. No one even noticed. I flew up above the bus and turned into a normal bird and hid in a building so I can transform. I transformed into a middle aged white male with a black mask on my face hiding my identity. I jumped out of the building heading to help the super heroes. I lifted up a piece of the road throwing it at the person I saw everyone else fighting. All eyes turned to me.

"Who is that?!?" A guy in a blue, red and white skin tight suit said looking at me. I transformed back to my normal self but kept the mask. I helped fight the guy till we all won. I looked around until I saw Peter, he was wearing a skin tight suit that looked like a red and blue spider. I walked toward him.

"Hey Parker, what's with the skin tight suits?" I laughed at myself and then turned into a fly again and flew back to the bus into my seat right where I was before. I shape shifted back to my normal self and put my headphones back in and putting music on smiling to myself looking out the window.

--------------------Peter Parker--------------------

I stand up and see the Avengers fighting. I quickly excuse myself from the seat with Y/N.  Rushing over to Ned and smacking his shoulder making him look my way.

"Ned, Ned!" I smack him lightly making him jump and look at me with his mouth open and eyes wide.

"Oh hey Pete, where were y-" he was cut off.

"I need a distraction, now!" I signaled to the commotion ahead. Ned jumped back a little and then an idea clicked in his head. He walked to the back of the bus and just started jumping. Everyone looked at him and I jumped open the window with my webs and snuck out.

"Hey kid," Tony said while I helped catch a cat being thrown at him.

"Hi Mr. Stark, how are you do-" my question was cut short by Captain America running past shouting commands at all of us. I couldn't really tell what he said but I just went with it. All of the sudden a random guy showed up with a black mask on and he started throwing pieces of the road and everything. It was so cool! When everything was done, the guy turned into a kid like me, a teenager. I think it was..a girl!  She walked over to me, she looked me up and down.

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