The dinner: part 1

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Tom Pov

"You look great mate, stop fidgeting" Daniel said looking at me. We were waiting outside of Ruperts house and I was playing with my blouse. I was wearing a white shirt with some blue ripped jeans white sneakers, I didn't style my hair because I knew Maddie loved it when it looked messy. Daniel was just wearing a red sweater and white trousers. "Sorry." I mumbled "How long is this dude going to take?" I asked Daniel, I wanted to go. The whole day I've been nervous and thinking about things I could say,  pathetic, I know. "I don't know, Rupert always takes this long" Daniel said. I laughed a little at the hidden insult and looked at Daniel. "You'll be fine bro" he said, he meant it. "I just don't know what to do, I don't know what she wants, what she's frustrating" I said, I haven't been really open about my feelings for Maddie but the boys understood me. "Trust me, be yourself, she likes that Tom the most" Daniel said. "Oh she defenitly does" we heard Rupert say who was walking towards us. "Ah look who decided to join us" I joked at Rupert and he laughed back while rolling his eyes. They got into Dan his car and I got in my own, I lived the farrest away from us three so Daniel would bring Rupert home. They followed me on the route towards the appartment of the girls, I knew where they lived because of that one time Mads and I went out for lunch. That was fun, it turned out different than expected ofcourse. I could still feel the butterflies I felt when I saw the damage the water had done to her t-shirt. She was beautifull... but she couldn't know I thought that, it was a little weird to look at it that way.

When we rang the doorbell I heard Cheryl open it. When she saw us a smile grew on her face and looked at us with a shimmer in her eyes. "Hey boys" she said smiling even wider. "Hey cherrie" Daniel said, Rupert and I immiatly gave him a confused look. "You can put your coat over there and then walk to the living room" Cheryl explained blushing at Daniel his comment. Then she walked away like nothing happend, "since when do you call her 'cherrie' Dan?" Rupert asked with still a confused look on his face. "I always called her...never mind" Daniel said blushing really bad. We hang up our coats and then walked into the living room. It smelled amazing actually, the table was set up with three plates at each side and candles in the middle. Cheryl was leaning against a chair reading something on her phone. Then Chloe walked in from the kitchen with a bowl of salad when she looked at us she smiled friendly "Hey boys, how are you?". "We are great actually" Ruperts anwsered "Agreed" I said smiling. "Good to hear, I'm cooking tonight so I hope you guys like it" she said while putting the bowl with salad on the table and looking back at us. "Cheryl why don't you get our guests a drink?" She said smiling at the blond girl who was still intriged by her phone. When Cheryl heard her name she looked up and nodded. "What do you want loves?" She asked us. "Let's start with some water" I laughed and with that anwser the girls walked back to the kitchen. "You have a nice appartment" Daniel said looking around him. I followed his movements, with that also letting my eyes glide over the nice big black couch pressed against the wall and a pretty big tv across it. The table wasn't far from the couch but it had a little wall seperating them. At the other side of the wall it had a little desk with a record player on it. Beneath the record player on another layer of the cabinet they had all sorts of liqour. "You like it?" Chloe asked from the kitchen. Cheryl walked back in with a big can of water and 6 glasses "It is not much but it's home" she smiled at us and started putting down the glasses one by one. "Tom?" I heard from the kitchen. I walked towards Chloe and raised my brows waiting for her to tell what she needed from me "Could you please get Maddie for me? Dinner is ready in 5" she said and I nodded.

I walked back to the hall with all the doors, I tried to open one but it was a bathroom so I closed it as quick as I opend it. Then I heard a voice singing to a lyrics I knew a little bit too well. "WHEN THE SUN SHINE WE SHINE TOGETHER. TOLD YOU I'D BE HERE FOREVER" I smiled a little to myself and walked towards the bedroom the sound was coming from, the door was opend a little so I could just peak trough to see Maddie. She was dancing with her wireless earphones in her ears, not that I didn't know which song she was listening to there was no holding back in the singing part. I looked at her, how she moved, how she sang, how she was publicly invisible for a moment and how she smiled to herself in the mirror but then I met her eyes, trough the mirror. She turned around, her cheeks turning scarlet, she was embarrest. I couldn't help but laugh forming on my face. She was cute like this.

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