Spill the thea

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When I got home I stormed inside. I threw my bag on the table and sat down on the couch. I looked at Chloe en Cheryl who were sitting on the tips of their chairs. "So?!?!? How was it?" Cheryl asked me. "Uhm fun...  I'm working at the set of the new Harry Potter movie!!" They were both so happy for me but then Chloe stopped and looked at me. "Wait a minute...you- oh no" I looked at her face and I saw the realisation kicking in. "What?" Cheryl said confused. Chloe had to hold her laugh, I knew she would find this funny. "Ehmm Cheryl" Chloe began "Do you remeber those three guys from the theme park two years ago?" She asked. Cheryl nodded immidiatly. "And do you remember the drama afterwards?" She nodded again. "Well Mads is working with him now" I looked at Cheryl and she started laughing like crazy. "Omg your life sucks" she said when she was done. "Tell me about it, why is it always me?" I asked them. "Maybe you're meant to be" Cheryl said. "Cheryl do you have a death wish? Because if you do you should go on with those comments" Chloe laughed silently and walked to the kitchen. "I got you some noodles" she said to me. I love noodles from Chloe, they were delicious. While I ate we discussed what we were gonna do tommorow because we all had a day off. At the end we decided we were gonna go for lunch, get a new haircut and some new nails. I was really happy they had my back with this.

The next morning I got up at around 9 and took a bath. I put on a sweater and a pear of ripped trousers. When I got in to the living room I was the first one. I was making myself some coffee when Chloe came in already dressed. "Goodmorning" she said jawning. "Hey sunshine, had a good sleep?" "Yeah but I read until 3 am so, still a little tired." I smiled and went on with my coffee. "How long until Cheryl is done?" I said while sitting down at the dinner table and giving Chloe a cup of coffee. "Oh thanks, I think maybe 20 minutes" I laughed. "She was the one who wanted to go for lunch and not for dinner" I said. "I know i guess she just didn't realise that It comes with waking up early" we both laughed and drank our coffee talking about work for a little bit. Chloe told me she had to intervieuw the guy she thought was cute the other day. Finally Cheryl walked in dressed and we could go and get our bags.

At around 12 pm we walked into town. "Let's get lunch at Abby's, they're the best" Cheryl said. Abby's was our favourite restaurant. As we walked in the warm air hit our skin and we walked towards our favourite table. After three minutes a waiter walked up to us "Goodmorning, do want something to drink?" We smiled at her and all ordered a thea. "So...what haircut are we gonna get?" Chloe said. She wasn't afraid of just getting something completely different. Cheryl immidiatly said "oh you know same old. Making my roots a little more blond and getting the points of." Cheryl liked to make her hair brighter and the ends. "What about you Clo?" I asked. "I'm not painting it, just cutting it short till a little bit above my shoulders" I was really excited about that but Cheryl couldn't belive why she wanted to get rid of all her hair. "What about you Mads?" Chloe said after we ordered our food and got our thea. "I dont know..." I said. I didn't know I was thinking about how I was gonna hide myself from Tom tommorow. "What about something completly different?" Cheryl said. "Let's cut your hair short till your shoulders and paint it red again" Chloe agreed. "I already painted my hair red." I said considering the haircut. "Yeah like five months ago" Cheryl said. "Come on! It will give you a confidence boost" Chloe said. "Okay fine! But only for you two!" I finally gave in. They gave eachother an high five and then we got our food. "If you run into him tommorow you got to tell him the truth about what you think though" Cheryl told me. "Yeah, he was being an ass and thats no excuse." I agreed and than we had a good conversation about what I should say to him.

At around 4 o'clock we got back home with fresh haircuts and nails. My nails were always red and Cheryl's were always pink. Chloe liked to keep it natural. I let myself drop onto the couch and proposed to the girls to watch a movie and Cheryl decided to order some pizza. They agreed and thats how we spend the rest of the evening.

I was reading a book in bed when Chloe came in. "Hey girl" she said. "Hey wassup?" I asked her. "Just checking in on you, are you nervous?" She said. "What do you mean? For tommorow? No... I just don't know how we're both gonna react when we see eachother" "It will be okay, Cheryl made you something" she said and walked out of my room again. When she got back in she was holding a red cute dress with gold details. "Omg wow! I love it!" I said, and I did love it. It was beautifull. Then Cheryl walked in smiling "I thought you might want to finish your new look" she said. I hugged them both smiling, I'm extremely happy with friends like this. I could never ask for better. "I'm ready for him, bring it on!"

Why Me?- Tom Felton (Harry Potter) fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant