This doesn't change a thing.

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When I came home Chloe opend the door for me and looked at me with some excitement in her eyes "Did you confront him?" "I did... and we were wrong". I walked inside and got comfortable on the couch. "Thea?!" Chloe asked me "Make it coffee, I need some caffeinne" I said. I was thinking bout the last moment with Tom, what if Ruby didn't call him? "Are you sure you're okay?" Chloe said. I looked up and said "Yeah fine, just thinking". "Okay tell me everything" she said and placed herself across me on a chair. Then she handed me my coffee and looked at me curiously. "Come on! I wanna know!" "Where is Cheryl?" I asked her. "Boyfriend, are you gonna tell me already?" I sighted and looked at her. "He didn't give me the wrong number it was his brother that texted me" "His brother?! How?" I smiled at her confusion and told her the story he told me. "Okay...well that's some positive ending, right?" I nodded. "But now you need to tell me, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" "He almost kissed me" I said kind off realising what happend. "He what!!?" I looked at her "He stood before me and told me that he missed me... it just happend. But then Ruby called him from the other side of the door and he stepped back." I explained. "Omg Mads" I could see Chloe was kind off speechless. "Well tell him to watch out because if he lays his hands on you one more time, he'll get to know my bad side" I laughed at her overprotective reaction. "I'm not giving in if you thought so" I said, and I wasn't giving in, Tom and I were friends now but I'm not an easy pray. "what if we make him fight for me? Make him crazy, with my looks...with jealousy."I said. Chloe who was still prosessing the fact that we almost kissed. "You know what? I think you're right. Let's make him fight for you"

It was around 3pm the next day and I was watching a Twillight on Netflix when Chloe walked in, "Hey girl wassup" I asked her. "well there is something I haven't told you yet" she said while sitting down beside me. "oh god" I said with a smile and waited for her to explain. "remember the boy from work?" she asked me oh god I thought.  "Well ehm we the judge made conclusion about him today and ehm" she sighted "he is innocent". Her eyes peered up to mine as she looked at me hopefully waiting for my reaction. I closed the laptop screen and sat a little more straight trying to think of a good anwser. "You wanna go on a date, don't you?"

Chloe POV

"I think so, yes" I said. Noah was a great guy, it's just a little weird to meet him this way. I know Maddie has a hard time with Tom but I think it would be good for her if we give her some distraction. She deserves so much and I am not giving her to some boy that easily. I offered to pick her up tommorow so I could be the first to know what had happened. I'm gonna keep an eye on this boy. I felt a warm glow when Mads said "well where are you guys gonna go? Is he gonna come over here?" She was happy for me. I smiled back. "He still has to say yes remember?" I laughed. She nodded with a big smirk planted on her face. "So are you gonna go on with Edward Cullen or do want to do something together?" She smiled knowing where is was going. "Well Edward Cullen happens to be pretty hot...but I'll be in the living room in a little" she said. I knew she wanted to watvh the movie but she always came anyway. I already walked to the living room and  clicked on the coffee machine button. I walke to the couch and grab my book again. After 10 minutes of reading I already was sucked up into the story so I didn't hear Maddie walking in with the coffee I had already forgotten about. "Okay I had to leave Edward so you're gonna leave....who ever it is that the book is about" she said getting me out of my book trance. I sighted as I put the book away and grabbed the coffee she handed me. "Sooo...wanna watch a movie?" she asked. "well Cheryl is gonna stay over at her boyfriends place for the night so yeah lets do it" I assured her. Cheryl was a lot at her boyfriends house, she and Robert loved to be a much together as they could, we let her do that because we knew how much it meant to her. After we watched a horror movie we decided to get some food because we completely forgot about the time. Actually I'm the only one who can really cook but Maddie is learning. When we were done Mads excused herself and went to her room, I was she was going to find herself some new outfit for tommorow.

Maddie POV

I had to come up with some great outfit, somethin surprising. I was looking at my wardrobe at my eye fell on this cute skirt. I got it out and than grabbed a blouse to match on it. Oh I loved this. I thought about putting some knee stockings under it but decided to make up my mind about that tommorow. I got ready for bed and pulled the soft bed fabric over my body. My hand reached for my laptop and put Twilight back on. While watching the movie I fell asleep.

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