Glitchtrap Short

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Disclaimer: NightCove_theFox hasn't publicly shared her name, so I will use the name "Alex" for her.

3 times in a row. He ain't giving up. Is it because I'm in a Glitchtrap cosplay? Maybe he knows I'm filming and is bring a content filler. Alex thought joking. She was making a video for her channel, NightCove_theFox. After four more Glitchtrap mind transfer attempts, she was fed up. "Don't do it again... Don't do it again..." She sighs as she grabs Chica's cupcake and goes to the menu. "Oh my God!" She yells as Glitchtrap once again appears. "Let me out... Free me..." She hears suddenly. "...What?" Alex asks. It felt like something was clawing it's way into her head. It subsides, and she rips off the headset. "What the actual hell what that?!" She murmurs. Her wig and ears had fallen off. She cuts the camera, and holds her head. "Did it work...?" Alex's eyes widen as she realizes what's going on. "Glitchtrap?" She whispers. "So that's what you call me? Afton will suffice." He replies. "I was just trying to make a video... Who knew you were real." She says quietly, slightly in awe. "I am very real, darling. Now, let's play a game." He says. Alex stays quiet, glaring at the ground. "No. You will not be doing this. I refuse." She replies. "You don't have a choice. Now, let's see what you have for disguises..." He says. Alex involuntary walks to her closet, and opens it. "Oh. You already have a rabbit suit."  He says, slightly confused. "I'm a cosplayer. You just happened to come to my cosplay closet, Glitch-Bitch." She retorts. She sighs, walking out to the kitchen. "Alex? You alright?" Her mother asks. "Huh? Oh... Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She replies. I'm not going to tell her. She'll only worry. She thinks. "Grab a knife." Afton says. After a small debate, Afton wins and she grabs a large, sharp knife. "You want me to kill... You're going to control me... No." She says, putting away the knife. "You're a tough one..." He says. "Mom! I'm going to be editing for the rest of the night!" She says. "Alright!" She replies. Alex heads inside her workspace, and starts editing some of her videos. She starts humming "What You Did," as she edits. "Go outside. Grab a knife, and go outside." He says. "Nope." She says, continuing to edit. "I wasn't asking." He says. "Doesn't mean I can't say no." She replies. "Didn't I do a transfer?! I should have full control." He asks, frustrated. "Well, I don't think your plan worked. Now, why don't you be good weasel and leave me be." Alex says. "Absolutely not. You will follow my commands. I corrupted your game so I could get you to kill for me." Afton growls. "...Explain. Now." She says, stopping her work. "I don't have copies in every game, but I'm connected to every game. Every... Glitchtrap, you said? Every Glitchtrap doesn't have me in it, but I can corrupt any Glitchtrap to do a true mind transfer." He says. "So, since you're in my mind, you can't corrupt any other games?" She asks. "Er... I suppose so." He says. "What if I strike a deal with you?" She asks. "Honey, who are you talking to?" Alex's father asks. "I'm testing out possible theories on Glitchtrap mind transfers, and I'm just mumbling to myself." Alex replies. "Oh, alright! Dinner will be ready soon." He says. "I'll be there when it's ready." She says. "Anyways, you had a possible deal? I will hear it out." He says. "I put you back in the game. You don't hurt anyone anymore, but you get to help me properly portray you in my videos." She says. "So... Right before you record, I run my "mind transfer" so you can portray me?" He asks. "Precisely! You also stay in my game. Now, this might take a couple tries, as it doesn't trigger all the time, but this might work." She says. "...Fine." He says. "Dinner's ready!" Alex hears from outside the dinner. "Uh... After dinner." Alex says awkwardly. "I forget you have to eat. I've been dead for too long..." Afton sighs. Alex sits at the dinner table, and starts eating. "So, you were working on theories?" Her mom asks. "Hm? Oh, yeah. None of them are any good though. I ended up scrapping them." She replies. "You remind me of my wife..." Afton sighs. Alex's eyes widen slightly, almost spitting out her food. "You okay?" Her father asks. She nods, smiling slightly. She scarfs down the rest of her food, and cleans her plate. "What's got you in a rush?" He asks. "Inspiration!" She replies, running into her room. She grabs her headphones, putting them on, and pulls up "My Love." (Song linked at the end) "Want to listen? This is a song I wrote about your wife." Alex asks. "You wrote a song about my wife? Sure, I'll give it a listen." He says. She clicks play, and waits eagerly for his reaction. "...How did you know?" He asks. "What do you mean?" She asks. "That she felt like she barely knew me after that... That damn incident!" He yells. "Calm down. I didn't know, I went off my own head-canon. Now, ready for me to send you back?" She asks. "Yes." He growls. Alex boots up the game once more, and plays a level. She gets the Glitchtrap scene after a couple tries, and smiles. "See you later, Afton. It was nice talking to you." She says. "I'll see you soon, Alex." He replies. "Oh? You know my name?" She asks."You pick up a few things when you're in the mind of someone else." He replies. In the game, Glitchtrap waves at her as the scene ends. She heads back to the menu, and turns off the game. So, I guess I'm friends with a murderer...

Heya, Glitchtrap. I know your reading this. Feel free to give any criticism you have with my book. Also, I'm Cat and Books are Life (Cat/CBL for short) on YouTube, so if that account comments on your fanfic reading video, it's me. Also, next time Vanny calls you a weasel, call her a deformed cow, because honestly her suit looks like a cow that can't make up its mind on what color its spots are. If I should continue this little plot line, I'd be interested in hearing ideas! Remember to shine bright, because you're a star, even if you are a child murderer.

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