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Tap tap tap. The sound of heavy shoes against frozen mud echoed throughout the snowy wilderness, occasionally causing a spray of melted ice to come out in front of the shoes. Their blackish grey color had been tainted with mud, the brown sticking to the sides like some sort of clingy parasite.  The taps were keeping everything in motion. Trees flew by at an increasing speed, the ground feeling as though it were a reverse treadmill, shoving a rather thin, awkward standing man forward, continuing his spree to god knows where. Snow clung to the male's clothing, slowly sliding off with each heavy lunge. Clumps of it stuck to the fiery red curls above, dripping into his poisonous green eyes, and down the back of his neck.

Guaranteed no pleasant feeling, nevertheless he persisted. The stereotype of redheads having no soul was not at all true in this scenario: as this redhead at least twenty stowed into his satchel, which was pressed firmly against his hip, hidden from immediate view. The satchel was covered by a large floret cloak, which had a few unintentional slash marks across the front, causing it to occasionally get hooked on incoming sticks and branches .Who was this frantic  young man you may ask? Over the centuries he has gone by several names: the most common being Alexi. One of several cosmic beings strewn throughout the earth: not a follower to his name in the living world. Usually: if a being such as himself had no sort of follower, he would simply poof out of existence. 
Alexi however, found quite a loophole. That was... stealing human souls to build up his own sort of little village dreamland- promising them safe haven in return for appraisal and worship of himself. Main target? Atheists- they always had something interesting to say: not to mention their shock of an existing afterlife being a prime advantage. No one wanted to go to hell, or whatever else was there. Ignorance was always good use for him. The magic loophole that kept him alive throughout his sad little life . Collecting atheists like pokemon cards had become Alexi's new game: keeping him occupied and entertained. Something to pass the time.  The only problem with collecting souls this round was: he had been caught right in the act by reapers. Ya know- the ones who were supposed to be receiving the souls in the first place, delivering them to the correct place. Needless to say, those scythe wielding emos weren't necessarily happy about that. At least four of them were on his ass, most of them falling behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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