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Chapter 08. | Giyū x Reader

<<First-person / Third-person Limited POV>>

I tried sending spike after spike, but she kept climbing higher and higher as my spikes went up higher and higher. I started to get agitated. Who the hell is this girl? She's not a Hashira, is she? No, she can't be. Then I realized something. She's not a Hashira, so why am I so worried about her? Just because she tried turning the tables on me? That's ridiculous, she's just a weak little girl who thinks she can defeat one of the Twelve Kizuki, with such confidence, too. But all of that confidence is relying on my ignorance. What a foolish move on her part, I thought she was smarter than that. Then again, I was fooled by her at the start, but no longer!

I wasn't going to be made a fool anymore. I started sending up spikes more strategically and using more moves rather than just spikes. I want to kill her so quickly and brutally she won't even notice she's dead until she takes her last breath! I giggled uncontrollably at the thought. I formed an enormous brick of earth and put it on top of everything. Before I let it drop, I sent all of my spikes back down into the ground, and then released the brick. "It was nice knowing you!" Bye, bye, little sis, I didn't need you anyway.

The brick dropped and it crushed her, I saw a splatter of blood. Welp, she's dead. Now, are there any more of you little slayers.. I placed my hand on the ground, feeling the earth to try and pinpoint any more. I felt movement coming from my left, it was a tall male. "Now you are a Hashira. Today's my lucky day." I acted like I didn't regard him.

I began talking loudly on purpose. "Well, that was a rather quick fight. You didn't even leave a mark on me. I have to admit, you were an interesting one, striving to flip the tables on me, but that was what lead you to your demise. I'm disappointed, I surely thought that someone who talked such a big game would see it to the end. But no, you're all talk and no act. How boring, I thought you might've wanted to put on a show. Welp, there's no way to take back the past. Toodles!" I waved my fingers. 

The other slayer was getting extremely close. By how he was reacting, speeding up his pace, it was obvious he overheard me. I felt the presence of rage and sadness getting closer inch by inch, minute by minute. Until I felt an overwhelming presence above me. I sent another spike of earth towards him, he didn't seem to have a significant reaction as he dodged it easily. "Did you really think I didn't notice you? You are sorely mistaken, my boy." He noticed the splatter of blood. He clenched his sword, it looks like he was about to snap it in half.

"Bastard.." He was clearly enraged by the death of his partner. "Oh, don't go blaming me. There's nothing more that I hate than being blamed." I walked closer to him, he tried moving but realized his feet were stuck underground. "For a Hashira you're not very observant, or were you too distracted by the loss of your ally?" I smirked and he grimaced. "Now, it's time for you to meet the same end as that of your partner. Say hi to her for me!" I lifted a block of earth and lifted it over his head. He seemed too shocked to be able to make any movements. This is way too easy, with this I'll be sure to move up to Upper Four!

Right when I released the block, I heard a scream. "Tomioka!" Suddenly, a bubble enclosed his entire body and he was lifted away. This is.. Shinimi's blood demon art. That can't be! She's dead! ... Unless... They're still alive!

I turned around to notice the girl and my sister flying towards the Hashira. The girl was enveloped by my sister's bubble, so I couldn't get to her, it's the same with the boy. Damnit! How the hell are they still alive?! If they're alive, who did I just kill?! Crap. I underestimated her.

"Tomioka!" She reached out to him and pull him into her bubble, they were brought back to the floor and the bubble popped. As soon as it did, in a blink of an eye, the girl was in my face ready to chop my head off! I'm not dying that easily. I sent a piece of earth her way, but it was blocked by a bubble instantly wrapping around her. The Hashira immediately followed her lead, she was chopping and dodging my attacks. They were getting too close for comfort.

I sent a bunch of little rocks flying in their direction. I was so blinded by the flying rocks I didn't even notice that they were out of sight. I couldn't see them, nor their blood, so they weren't dead. I felt a presence suddenly appear in front of me, it was the girl. I lifted my leg to kick her away with full force. The Hashira quickly shoved her out of the way and got kicked in the stomach, spitting out blood and getting dragged into the ground, and went some distance, leaving a trail. She was concerned but didn't slow down her attacks or take her eyes off of me.

"Go make sure Tomioka's okay! I'll be fine, go heal him!" My sister leaped out of her uniform and went to heal the boy, Tomioka is his name. She formed a bubble around the both of them and flew away into the surrounding forest to get away from me. "You useless little shit of a sister!"

Her attacks were persistent and resilient. She didn't slow down and I didn't have an opening to hit her. At this rate, I'll never be able to get on offense!

. . . 


The fighting went on for a while, and neither of you was backing down. Kazenikura got a grip of your fighting style, but right when he started catching on, you switched your fighting style and began to fight with your fists. This was totally insane to Kazenikura, he had never seen someone try and fight him fist-to-fist. This went on for another long while. At one point, he tried biting your hand off, but you deflected it with a roundhouse kick to his face. You knew you had to use more of your raw-power. You kept kicking and kicking, punching and punching over and over, and finally, once you found an opening, you kicked his head straight off. It broke your leg in the process. You quickly pulled your sword out and chopped the rest of him up. You fell to the ground, it was finally over.

You were panting and trying to catch your breath rapidly, you were hyperventilating. Eventually, once you caught your breath, you turned around and started to pray to the evaporating body.

~First-person POV~

I looked at her, and I realized she was praying for me. I wasn't that far from my body, but this girl was so strong she still managed to kick my head off and kill me. "Kazenikura, I pray that in your next life, you will not be cursed with this horrendous life of a demon. I pray for your well-being. I promise you that if you sincerely apologize for your sins and wish to redeem yourself, you will be forgiven and you will see your loved ones once more. I pray that we can be friends in our next lives. Rest in peace, Kazenikura."

She.. prayed for my well-being? ... Why did she do that? After all this, she stills wants to wish me farewell? ... If I apologize, I can see my family again. That's right, I remember. My family was killed because of my thirst for blood and my hunger for flesh broke me. It's my fault. I want to apologize. I want to apologize to my mother, my father, my little siblings.. and Shinimi... I'm so sorry for what I did to you Shinimi, using you and torturing you, and giving you such a horrible name... I'm sorry to all the ones I killed and ate, none of you ever deserved that. I took away your lives for my own selfish reasons. I want to be forgiven... Please forgive me..

~Third-person Limited~

Kazenikura closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he felt the presence of all of his loved ones at once. He was enveloped in a huge group hug. He started to tear up and felt happy to see his loved ones and feel forgiven for his sins. "Thank you." He whispered as the last of his remains evaporated and he was with his family.

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