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Chapter 02. | Giyū x Reader

<<First-person / Third-person Limited POV>>

I quickly woke up as soon as I felt some kind of disturbance around my bed. I opened my eyes. "Miss L/N! It's time for training!" Oh god it's these girls again. What time is it anyways? I sat up, rubbing my eyes gently. "What time is it?" I looked around and noticed no one else was awake. "It's exactly 6:30 on the dot!" Why so early? My brain can't function.

"It's time to go Miss L/N! You will be coming right?" The girls looked at me curiously. "I mean we already woke you up." Oh my god it's like they're trying to guilt-trip me to go. "Yeah, I guess you're right I'll go just give me a few minutes okay? Oh and is there anywhere to change? I'd like to change out of my pajamas and I don't want to wake the others up." I rubbed my neck sheepishly. Jesus. The thought of me waking one of the boys up while I'm changing is horrifying.

They nodded in unison and they lead me to an empty bathroom, it wasn't too big but it also wasn't a very good place to change clothes, you could easily hit something if you make a wrong move. I said thanks and they didn't leave.. Why aren't they leaving? They're probably going to wait by the door, huh? I made sure to get dressed as fast as I could so I wouldn't keep them waiting long.

When I opened the door they were gone. Huh? They were just here where did they go? I don't even know where the training building is. I groaned in annoyance. Do they seriously expect me to know where I'm going? I've barely been here two days. I walked out and took my clothes back on my bed. I walked out of the building and wandered around, I wasn't really expecting someone to be awake, let alone train at this hour. This is what it's going to be like for the next couple weeks, isn't it? Oh well, better get used to it. I yawned loudly and scratched my head as I tried to find the training building.

After walking for about ten straight minutes I gave up and just tried to find my way back to the Butterfly Estate. By that time it was already 7:03, and I just ultimately gave up and wanted to go back to sleep. I heard a soft door creak, and I immediately shot my head up, hurting my neck in the process. I winced in slight agony, it didn't hurt that much but it was enough to make a snapping sound. I heard quick footsteps heading in my direction. 'Are you okay? Why are you up so early?' I opened my eyes to see a hand extended out to me implying "Did you hurt yourself? Do you need any help?". I gave a quick sigh and looked up. I immediately smirked at the familiar ravenette. I quietly giggled, he slightly tilted his head in confusion.

"Hello, Tomioka-kun, good morning, and I'm fine, thanks for your concern." He hesitantly put his hand back down to his side, "Why are you up so early?" I cocked my eyebrow up, "I thought it was kind of obvious but I guess not." His face expression didn't change at all. "You were heading to rehabilitation training, weren't you?" I suddenly lost a bit of my confidence and nodded. "Why are you heading back to the Butterfly Estate then? ... Did you get lost?" I tried to stifle my laughs as to not be loud, but I nodded my head covering my mouth while muttering, "Yeah I did, it's kinda funny." You always laughed at your own mistakes or when you were called out at anything, you were honestly just a giggly person who would laugh at your own humiliation. Giyū found it somewhat admirable on some level, it was intriguing that you would laugh at yourself. He caught himself staring and immediately looked at the ground.

As soon as you calmed down, Giyū cleared his throat. "Do you want me to show you where it is?" You nodded appreciatively and followed him toward the training building. It was an awkward walk so you decided to throw up a conversation. "How long have you been a Hashira?" He was caught off-guard. "Oh, um I can't remember.." Your eyes widened in shock. "So I'm guessing it's either been a really long time or a really short time, but I'm guessing it's been a long time." You shot him a goofy smile. "Y'know you're a really good slayer as far as I can tell, the way you took the Lower Five Kizuki down in like two moves was really impressive!" His face turned a very light pink as he looked at you, it wasn't very noticeable though.

~Giyū~ She's talking to me as if she's my friend..

He kept thinking about the conversations you brought up and how comfortably you spoke, it was as if you had known him for years, just bantering with each other. Giyū slowly grew comfortable and enjoyed listening to stories you told. He started to slow down, which bewildered you.

~Y/N~ Why is he slowing down? "Hey, why are you slowing down?" He caught up and whispered. "I like listening to you talk, I don't really want to stop." You barely heard him, but you made out what he said, you smiled widely and laughed. "My stories are really that interesting?" His eyes widened a bit, he didn't think you would hear him. In response, his face grew darker shade of pink as he looked down toward the ground. "Well I enjoy your company, too!" He looked up to see your brightest smile.

Then you heard footsteps coming in your direction. "Miss L/N! Miss L/N! Miss L/N!" You softly groaned. "Did you get lost? It's 8:00 already!" They gave you looks of disappointment. You looked around and noticed you had already passed around here a little while ago.

Did he walk me around the whole estate? Man I'm likeable damn. You looked behind you. "Did you intentionally pass by the training building so you could keep listening?" You smirked mischievously. You realized that he wasn't there anymore. "Who are you talking to L/N? No one was there, you were walking by yourself right?" You blushed profusely out of embarrassment and flattery. He must've ran off when he saw the girls, I guess he really did walk me around. You smiled to yourself. Well, thanks for listening, you're a good friend. You then followed the girls back to training.

You were greeted by Aoi and Kanao. Thus, another day of training started.

~Inseparable~   Giyū Tomioka x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant